Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

So got everything up and running but is this supposed to show you your local NBC station? The guide doesn't match the guide within the NBC app. My local is KIEM (Eureka, CA)


[quote="tmm1, post:1, topic:36062"]

Does anyone know where I can get stationid numbers?  I am looking for Ch 11 NBC in Atlanta.   This link below is for the free NBC:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc" tvg-chno="6000" tvc-guide-stationid="10991",NBC

If this is WXIA the station ID is: 11993


Thanks Mike! I got it....

So the links will open an app on the client side, correct? I'm running channelsdvr on a windows machine, but I use mostly fireTV sticks around the house. In order for this to work, you would have to install the corresponding apps so that the link will open the apps to the live channels, correct? Will this work on the fireTV sticks?

That's the idea, yeah. But in my case I only tested on AppleTV's. Others here will be able to confirm what works and how on FireTV. This is all new and so folks are experimenting and sharing notes. Here's a list that may help get you started:

Same as inspect. I do not see the response part when I apply filter /channels


Has anyone figured out how to launch the YoutubeTV app on Android TV/Google TV and switch to the channel selected? I tried the links which do open the YouTube TV app but do not switch to the selected channel. Tried both vnd.youtube.launch:// and youtubetv:// but both result in just a black screen. Wish I could see how Google TV launches channels from their Live TV tab.

Has anyone figured out a way to link both east and west coast feeds? I am able to view both in the NBC app.

How do you find the station ID?

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In your browser or rest client, enter the URL with the name of the station you are looking for. For example, to find the Station ID for CNN, use:


This will list all of the CNN stations, from there, find the one you need. If you use your browser, it's channeling to read the response Channels DVR returns. There are browser plugins that can help.

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I'm specifically looking for my local NBC station KIEM in Eureka, CA

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Here is an extract from the json that is a result of the URL mentioned above. Three entries. Your Station ID is one of these.

    "type": "Full Power Broadcast",
    "name": "KIEM",
    "callSign": "KIEM",
    "stationId": "10510",
    "affiliateId": "10991",
    "affiliateCallSign": "NBC",

    "type": "Full Power Broadcast",
    "name": "KIEMDT2 (KIEM-DT2)",
    "callSign": "KIEMDT2",
    "stationId": "108197",
    "affiliateId": "18633",
    "affiliateCallSign": "ION",

    "type": "Full Power Broadcast",
    "name": "KIEMDT (KIEM-DT)",
    "callSign": "KIEMDT",
    "stationId": "34913",
    "affiliateId": "10991",
    "affiliateCallSign": "NBC",

Is it possible to make a streamlink that will run a batchfile and also send the Channel # as %1 ?

No, stream links open apps from the Channels client.

But you can use androidhdmi-for-channels which can run a script at the start and end of tuning. It is setup as a MPEG-TS custom channel.

So what I'm trying to do is to get my local affilate to show up in my guide in Channels that shows in the NBC app. Where do I change it on this


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc" tvg-chno="6000" tvc-guide-stationid="10991",NBC

Change 10991 to 34913

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Still doesn't bring up the info to match guide that's in the NBC app.

Did you fetch guide updates

How do I do that?