Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

No, I don't think I have that installed. Just the latest pre-release. I'll try to find the beta and install to see if that works. Thanks for your help!

I have the stream link for USA and NBC both working on my phone but when I open them up on my Apple TV, I get the 503 error. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix that?

Do the apps work on the ATV using them directly?

Are you running the beta test flight app on the ATV?

When you go to the On Now section in the ATV, is there a "link" icon in the top right corner of the channel links?

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Yes, the apps work on the Apple TV directly. yes, I’m running the latest beta test flight. And I don’t recall seeing a link button at all? it’s in the upper right hand corner is that on the Apple TV or is that on the server where I have it running?


It is in the ON NOW section of the Apple TV Channels app. The shows with a link should have a link icon in the upper right corner if it is set up correctly. It certainly will not work if you don't see the icon.

OK I will check it out as soon as I get home in about an hour I have read all the posts if the link thing is not there then where do I need to look I am open to any and all suggestions very new to this and I appreciate all the help that I have received so far!

It did ... I was able to download the downloader app ... it works ok but my android device works pretty good... Question, when setting up the M3U channel I left the "options" at bottom as is ... should I have changed any of those settings? My guide for local NBC is fine on my Android but not on Fire TV.... Thanks again!

Is chrome web inspector an extension


No. It is under "more tools" and then "developers tools".

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Working my way thru streamlines ..
So far it’s great, best is I can see schedule in channels, click the link
It opens the nbc app and channel chosen is there (key is I can see what’s on in channels before app is opened by clicking show)

Now I read hbo max can do same thing but in different (older thread) the reference is individual episodes

Can the same be done for hbo, starz etc… like nbc works?
See the schedule then click a show to open the hbo max app?

Sorry if this is somewhere in the almost 300 posts but if it was I’ve missed it several times over a few days.



Gee I wonder if it’s possible to utilize SiriusXM to stream audio channels and have them listed as a stream link ???
Just wondering ….


I am getting almost everything to work in channels. I can see the channels loaded in the guide and NBC app is on the iPad and working also with TVE setup as YTTV. When I click on any NBCU program and “watch button” it does not show me “now it’s opening NBC app” and I get an immediate 503 error. I copied and pasted your channels above. The NBC app works fine on its own and I can play all with my youtubetv TVE credentials. Also, if I just open the link the NBC app opens fine and plays that channel.

I think I've figured it out. If you click on a network on the site, in the url you'll see something like /network/msnbc-[long-string-of-characters]. In the m3u, you can do hulu://watch/[long-string-of-characters] and it'll launch Hulu directly into the live stream of that channel. Here's my Hulu m3u. It seems to work fine on both iOS and tvOS. The id for your local NBC may be different than mine. I don't have a way to test that.

[edit] Fixed some ids.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc" tvg-chno="6000" tvc-guide-stationid="10991",NBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="msnbc" tvg-chno="6050" tvc-guide-stationid="64241",MSNBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nbc-news" tvc-guide-stationid="114174",NBC News Now

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="cnbc" tvg-chno="6051" tvc-guide-stationid="58780",CNBC

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="usa" tvg-chno="6052" tvc-guide-stationid="58452",USA

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="syfy" tvg-chno="6054" tvc-guide-stationid="58623",SyFy

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="e!" tvg-chno="6056" tvc-guide-stationid="61812",E!

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="bravo" tvg-chno="6058" tvc-guide-stationid="58625",Bravo

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="oxygen" tvg-chno="6060" tvc-guide-stationid="70522",Oxygen

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="golf" tvg-chno="6159" tvc-guide-stationid="61854",Golf

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="nfl" channel-number="6192" tvc-guide-stationid="45399",NFL

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it is possible to utilize this YouTube link and strmlnk? even if it opens YouTube app?


also what about Mjpg format? with strmLnk option? this would be weather stem app but I can see this on safari and it uses a token



Yeah I was able to get that far. My issue though is if you let some time pass. It would then open up the show where I added those long characters instead of the channel. So it always went back to the episode instead of just the channel. Worked fine while that show was still playing.

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Yes, this one is easy with The Kister Method, no external app launching required.

Here's the URL you'd use for a Custom Channel: https://kister.net/mpl/yt2m3u8?v=t0GrpAgdBFI

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Would any one have a stream link for Universo?

Guh! Yeah, that's what it's doing for me now too. :confused:

[edit] Sometimes it seems to work and sometimes not. A couple of the station ids seem to have changed since yesterday but most haven't. So :man_shrugging:t2: I'll keep messing with it for a bit.

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So got everything up and running but is this supposed to show you your local NBC station? The guide doesn't match the guide within the NBC app. My local is KIEM (Eureka, CA)