Experimental: Stream Links from the Guide via Custom Channels

Since the iOS app works on Apple Silicon Macs, would it be possible to have the links on a Mac go to the link in the user's default browser?

For example, instead of the youtubetv://cQDDAyx_fWM link for NBC, just load https://tv.youtube.com/watch/cQDDAyx_fWM when on a Mac.



On iOS it's com.nesn.app://
For tvOS it's com.clearbridge.nesn.nesngo.NESN://




Thanks! Will try later

Thanks... will try when I get home from work...

I'm confused. I used links posted by Fofer. Where did he come up with this information that was claimed to work?
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="msnbc" tvg-chno="6050" tvc-guide-stationid="64241",MSNBC
How is "64241" obtained? I thought that I saw a source once but can't find it now.

Also, The Firestick app store offered up a MSNBC app that does work. Firestick offers unofficial apps?

I got the tvc-guide-stationid (64241) from the first post in this thread.

I also noted in my post with links, that I only tested them on tvOS, not Fire OS or AndroidTV.

I've also since switched what happens when I choose MSNBC. Instead of launching the MSNBC app, which is a bit flakey, as described above, I'm having it launch YouTube TV instead.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="msnbc" tvg-chno="6050" tvc-guide-stationid="64241",MSNBC

Of note: This solution requires me to manually pick MSNBC once I'm in the YTTV app, but since that's the only channel I've dedicated to that app, and it's frequently watched, it's generally the first thumbnail, so I don't mind.

If I wanted it to launch the NBC app instead, I'd use this one:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="msnbc" tvg-chno="6050" tvc-guide-stationid="64241",MSNBC
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Looks like there is an official NBC app on fireTV. There wasn't one I could find on the Play Store.

If you can download the apk from your device and look at the AndroidManifest.xml inside, it will give you a clue on what the correct links to use are.

I copy/ pasted your launch from NBC into the list and it worked (except for having to click on MSNBC after NBC launched) Thank you.

I guess that the comment below about viewing the Android Manifest will help with the correct links.

Thanks again

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So i got the majority of the channels from the NBC app working, but the quality is horrendous. Is this normal?

Unfortunately, that is not working. I get an error message...

Could not fetch playlist: : Get "com.clearbridge.nesn.nesngo.nesn:": unsupported protocol scheme "com.clearbridge.nesn.nesngo.nesn"

In a rest client or your browser, you can search for stationid using the URL:


The results are in json so if you use a browser, it can be a challenge to read.

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No. The quality is fine. What is the issue?

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Mine goes directly to the correct station. I just push enter on my remote to go fullscreen.

You need the testflight beta

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I'm not sure. The quality is just alot lower. And the volume is low.

Did you ever get NBC philly working without using Youtube tv? I have it all set up, guide is working, but when it goes to the station it says TV show not available.

I watched a few minutes of Morning Joe this morning and the picture looked great. I didn't notice any audio issues.

I am.

Then you need the DVR prerelease and you have to set the Custom Channel to type STRMLNK

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That was it! I did not change the custom channel type.

Thank you.

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