Failed recordings / no HDHomeRun found

Didn’t see anything recent on this, but I did notice app updates that may have referenced something. All recordings failed last two days.

Program already started generally means the Mac is going to sleep and doesn't wake up until it's too late to record the show.

No hdhomerun found could also be related, but hard to tell without the full logs.

Thanks. Here’s a recent snap. Mac setup is unchanged (for years), and is set to never sleep (just confirmed).

Okay first let's get it to see the HDHR. Does the HDHR show on the settings tab? Does clicking rescan network work? Does Add Source and entering the IP of the HDHR work?

Is the HDHR shown on

HDHomeRun’ s are there. Tried refreshing manually, reboot Mac, restart server, etc.

Looks like it's recording just fine now.

Does the log show messages like "Starting Channels" recently? That would show if it's being turned off and back on for some reason.

If it's running in the menu bar and someone is logging out the user then the dvr could be turning off.

Update: the previously scheduled football game is now recording. Oddly, while watching other shows, the option to Record while watching does not show. Very interesting. Hopefully next scheduled program in 1 hr 14m records.

Odd behavior, for sure. Again, this setup has been rock solid for years. Mac is in a closet and doesn’t get touched. :man_shrugging:t2:

Email us ~/Library/Application Support/ChannelsDVR/data/channels-dvr.log to

Done. As ever, your support is unparalleled.


After the auto-upgrade to yesterday's stable build, the dvr came up and couldn't find any HDHRs. When this happens it checks every minute but still was unable to discover them. That caused all the failures, including the ones listed as "already started".

When you restarted today manually it found the HDHRs no problem. Unclear what was different. Did you click any firewall prompts or similar when you restarted?

Anyway seems like it's back to normal now so I don't expect you'll have issues with upcoming recordings.

One thing you can do is click Add Source and re-enter the IPs of your HDHR which will make the dvr remember them in case the discovery fails in the future.

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Thank you. First time this has happened. No firewall prompts. Hopefully all is well going forward.
