Fall 2023 Channels DVR Server Update

A new server update was released this week and it's a big one.

• Refreshed UI
• Settings Organization
• Improved First Run Experience
• Built In Tailscale Support
• Troubleshooting Improvements
• And more!!

Learn more about the Fall 2023 Server Update in our announcement:


Well Done on the update!

my server updated yesterday and I didn’t even notice until I read your notice and looked for the changes

Some nice changes , but still the first rate stability and performance I value in your product. Will gladly renew for 2024

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I really enjoy being part of this community and using your product. I appreciate the tremendous support and ongoing hardwork to keep this product viable in an ever changing landscape. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for the update! Doing great!

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Great update. Thanks!

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I'm a big fan of Channels but I have to be honest: I despise the new UI. Not only is it more clicks to do most things but there is more scrolling because you have to scroll back to the top to choose a different section. And everything that that is worse...is much worse on mobile which is how I access the server about 90% of the time.

I completely do not understand this update at all.


I agree. It took my brain forever to find where to make a backup. It’s not good.


Lots of styling issues / poor management of style classes in the admin area which cause layout issues.

For example:
You've got the landing page contained within .contianer class and none of the other pages doing the same meaning the rows are super narrow on the landing page (annoying).

Please remove .container class or make landing page rows col-sm-12 with no offset class..

Id literally be willing to clean this admin up for free, would be piss easy for me