Feature request: Consolidate duplicate channels

Was using channels today, and something really useful would be consolidating the same channels broadcast in HD and SD.

For example BBC1 is broadcast twice - and it shows up twice in the UI, once as HD and once as SD. Be good to consolidate them into a single channel with choice made somewhere to “prefer HD or SD” with the other as fallback?

TThe trouble with this is that they appear different in the guide data. There’s no reliable way to determine an HD match for an SD channel.

If you’d like to ignore the SD channels, go into the HDHomeRun were interface and hide the channels by clicking the star icon until its a “not” icon.

While you can hide channels directly in the Channels app, it does so just for that installation. Doing it via the actual HDHomeRun means it will be hidden from every app you use it with.

I disabled ALL SD Channels on both my HDHomeRun Primes. I refuse to watch SD. I also disabled all foreign language and music channels as well. Started with about 365 detected channels down to < 100.

A post was split to a new topic: Hiding channels on DUAL

Good idea. I didn’t even thought about this. Will try this as well to decrease the number of channels.