Feature Request: Enlarge screen thumb on Commercial Edit

Within the DVR web interface, while editing commercials, it would be nice if I could click on a screen thumbnail to enlarge it. This would allow me to see the screen in more detail. Similar to how you can tap a thumbnail image on the iOS app to enlarge a screen. I do most of my commercial editing on my computer with a nice large monitor.

As it is now, I have to increase the magnification of my browser to 250%, so I can see more detail of the screen thumbnail.

Yes. I zoom in on whole page. It is sucha a PITA.

I am tempted to make 10 fake accounts just to vote more on this one.

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You could right click open image in new tab. But yea we can probably make it better.

Didn't think about that, but that is a good workaround. But yeah, since you have the large image already, doesn't seem like too much to wrap it as a clickable element and open it up in a panel.

I'm not much of a web frontend guy (work on the backend/api side of things) and I know you're already opening the channel edit in a panel, so don't know how much more complex it would make it to add another panel on top.

Anyway. Thanks for the work around.

Ha, I’ll take a look at it. On iOS I made them tappable to zoom them. That was then spread across all posters.

Did this ever get added to a priority list? I know it's not a high priority, but would be nice to have. If not, I'll make due.

I have been editing some show commercials - love the ability to do that easily. However, is there a more granular way to edit rather than selecting or unselecting specific "blocks"? Specially, working on a PBS Kids show and it doesn't catch the transition ever so it's not marked as a "block". I've tried in the web ui & the iOS app both looking for a way to zoom into specific frames.