Huh, this was a really interesting idea, and it worked very well! I made a few modifications to make it even a little more flexible:
- Series ID == , Tags == New, Channel != one that doesn't come in so great, Time CONTAINS 7:30pm
- Series ID == , Tags == New, Channel != one that doesn't come in so great, Time CONTAINS 7:00pm
- Series ID == , Tags == New, Channel != one that doesn't come in so great
This results in:
- Priority 1 matches 5
- Priority 2 matches 5
- Priority 3 matches 11 (the ABC is replaying the latest episode over the weekend but it still has the New tag).
And when I look at the priority scheduler, you can see that only Priority 1 has all of the upcoming schedule:

And with this setup, the scheduler acknowledges my general priority of favorites and OTA vs. TVE, too:

So basically I end up with On Time Local Favorite OTA CBS > On Time Local TVE CBS > On Time In Range non-Favorite CBS OTA > Early ABC (in general order) > Everything else except OTA station that doesn't come in so great but has a higher number and would be priority otherwise.
Nice workaroud, @racameron! We'll have to see how it ends up working during a preemption at some point, but I can see how this should be just fine. FYI, before you made your edit about Time, I originally put in == but it changed automatically to CONTAINS when I saved, so apparently the DEVs have idiot proofed that one from me. And I actually have my AM/PM lower case and it is working, but that might be because my server is Windows. Have dealt with lovely case stuff when dealing with UNIX/LINUX stuff in the past and know what a pain it can be.
But my request still stands because this was way more work!