don’t panic, i’m actually not asking for anything too complicated. all i’d really like to see is an “upper level” tag/filter. all DVR functionality would remain completely untouched. basically when a user opens the DVR from a device they’d be given the opportunity to remain in a default “All Users” mode, or select a unique user. on a specific device they’d be able to select who the default user on that device should be.
from there, any activity that unique user does will be tagged with that unique user’s name. so that when that user views Recordings, etc, they will only see those that are relevant to them. this would be very useful in a family setting where dad and mom each have shows they individually are interested in, and when you throw kids into the mix even more so. now dad can setup his personal devices to always open in “Dad” user, and he won’t have all his recordings cluttered with those of other family members. since this really is just a tag/filter feature, the ability to go in after the fact and add/remove specific user tag(s) for a recoding would allow a recording to be easily converted from a Group tag to just a Dad tag, or maybe a combination such as a Mom and Child tag. at least in web access, the user control would simply be in the top right of the page along side the Account log in/out.
i would say Schedule under DVR would still show all recordings but maybe add an indication as to who the user was that scheduled it. that way if there is an observed conflict, a user would know who to go to to let them know their recording is not going to be caught bc mom and dad have something more important to record
this would also help lay the ground work for another feature: for parents being able to set up their kid’s devices to only be able to access recordings tagged with their unique username, and kids not being able to change that setting. parents could create Passes/Recordings and tag them with their child’s username, and only those recordings would appear on their child’s Channels app on their iOS device or ATV. kids would be able to set up their own recordings.