Feature Request: New Shows/Seasons in app

Is it possible to get the News Shows/Season search query on the DVR tab? This would allow you to find new shows to add passes for. Right now I am firing up the Web UI to search and add a new season or see if one is coming available.

Currently we only have two ATV4s so I’ve been mostly relegated to using the web UI (and setting up recordings for the family). Based on the recent news of upcoming ATV 4K, we will be adding the new ATV upon release. :grin:

Thus, I will finally have an ATV (hand me down 4) for mostly my use. Hence, I am totally in favor of having more of the web UI search capabilities incorporated on the ATV (and also at a later time on Channels iOS), like filters for upcoming shows/movies.

This would be awesome for increased utilization by the whole family!

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I actually use my phone for things like this which is why I’ve run into so many problems since January. I hope they have iOS first, since I’m most likely to whip out my phone and type there. Now that iOS works local and remote, it would be easier to use that app, than to have the 2 shortcuts I have in Safari now.

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