Fetching Job... never completes

I was trying to replicate this and found some wonkyness with Channels DVR.
I have a pass setup for Rick Steves Specials.
I marked a scheduled recording of one to Skipped.
I then click on the Title from the Scheduled jobs view which opens all airings in the search view.
The one I marked Skipped stil shows Skipped and the rest show Queued.
If I click on one of the Queued I get a wait spinner forever as it tries to locate the job, until I click away from it.

I thought, OK it's some quirk and tried it on my other install of Channels DVR, same thing.

UPDATE: Updated to latest pre-release 2021.02.27.2215 and still seeing the same issue using latest version of both Firefox and Edge. It also doesn't matter is you set the airing to Skipped or not.

what version was the server on originally?

Just upgraded all three of them from v2021.02.24.1705 to v2021.02.27.2215

I deleted and recreated the pass, still have the same issue.
Also seeing it on other scheduled recordings.

If the scheduled episode airs more than once, all airings show as Queued (as they always have), but when you select a later airing and click the dropdown where it says Queued, it used to say when it was scheduled for, now just get the spinner Fetching Job...

Same happens if you select the later airing from the grid guide and select the Queued button dropdown.

Wondering if it's just my 3 Channels DVR Servers having the issue or maybe nobody else noticed it.

I also see this issue. I then tried to enable Web Developer Network monitor to see if there is an issue, but when monitor is open, it actually works. So can't give error logs, but it does the same thing as the OP pointed out... it just spins.

This is on DVR version 2021.03.02.1716

To repeat, click on a passes "recording" count, when you find one that has the same episode listed more than one time, cancel the first, then try to click the option drop down... it spins and nothing happens.

I tried clicking to spijn, then open Web Developer, and do see an error related to:


@chDVRuser do you mind checking the programs entry for the episode tmsid with this issue?

dvr/jobs or dvr/programs ?
It's happening on any show scheduled from a pass where the same episode is aired more than once.

Yes, it does occur on any list where the same program airs more than once in the list. And note, if you enable (at least Friefox) "Console" , then the issue does not arise (it works in this case)... so start without Console activated to see the issue occur.

For this one, Rick Steves Special: European Easter
It airs twice
I selected Skipped on the first airing
dvr/jobs shows
"Name":"Rick Steves Special: European Easter"

dvr/programs shows

I set a pass for Wild Singapore and here's what happens when I try to manually record the second s01e02 airing

I'm able to work-around the issue with the Wild Singapore series pass by creating manual recordings.
The ones titled Wild Singapore (2016) are the manual recordings I created. The others are from the series pass.

Seems like this may have been fixed as I can not replicate now in newest pre-release ( 2021.03.06.0114 ).

I think only partially fixed?

It does immediately return with
Screenshot_2021-03-05 Channels Rick Steves Special European Easter
If I then choose Mark as Unqueued, it Unqueues all recording jobs for that episode, not just that time slot. And then looking at DVR>Schedule it still shows one of them scheduled.

When I check this for my Wild Singapore example it comes back with this
Screenshot_2021-03-05 Channels Wild City