I was trying to replicate this and found some wonkyness with Channels DVR.
I have a pass setup for Rick Steves Specials.
I marked a scheduled recording of one to Skipped.
I then click on the Title from the Scheduled jobs view which opens all airings in the search view.
The one I marked Skipped stil shows Skipped and the rest show Queued.
If I click on one of the Queued I get a wait spinner forever as it tries to locate the job, until I click away from it.
I thought, OK it's some quirk and tried it on my other install of Channels DVR, same thing.
UPDATE: Updated to latest pre-release 2021.02.27.2215 and still seeing the same issue using latest version of both Firefox and Edge. It also doesn't matter is you set the airing to Skipped or not.