Force a Channel to fullscreen to 1920 x 1080 (16 x 9)

Is there an entry that can be set in m3u playlist that can force the image to full view. For instance. On frndly a new channel has been added. But its not full frame. Black bars surround. The channels is Military History. Here is my source entry. Zoom Capability not alllowed with UHD Mode on TV.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="frndly-40" tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="86",Military HISTORY

Have you tried stretch to fit under advanced playback settings?

stretch to fit only stretches horizonaly. That makes people look fat.

Bummer. That’s all I’ve got. I guess that’s actually zoom that you need. Your TVs remote might have that but it’s not very convenient. No idea why people broadcast that way. Seems it should be easy not to.

It seems to me that if Channels have an option to stretch to fit, that a setting can be added to zoom to fit so horizonaly and verticaly will fit and get rid of that anoying black bars. My TV does not allow zoom capability in UHD Mode. I have to change the mode to 1080p forcing a reboot of TV. Thats annoying and rediculous.

Agree. And it would be nice to have a quick way to set it to zoom because you probably don’t want to have it on all the time.

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