Force Comskip

Is there a way to force comskip use instead of ADS per channel? I've noticed that while recording on story television the ADS commercial detector runs but never finds the commercials. When I tell it to redetect the commercials are detected. Thanks

Do you mean the Discovery network? (Auto-correct error?) If so, there is a known issue with some Discovery network streams that are being sent malformed. The errors in the streams are affecting the automatic detection. Frankly, with as bad as some recordings have been lately, I'm surprised that Comskip worked at all for you.

In short, this is a known problem with a non-trivial solution. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix; I'm glad that manually running Comskip is a temporary fix that is working for you, as some of us don't even have that working.

I get the Story Television Network on Friendly TV, I'm not sure if it is related. What I have been seeing maybe one 5 second commercial found in the whole broadcast. When I run comskip it does much better but I still have to edit it to clean it up. That happens with all my comskip detections though. Thanks.

I am seeing that too on The Story Channel through the Frndly source. The Smart Commercial Detection did run on it, and for me it only found a brief 4 second commercial in the middle of a show. Comskip re-detection was its "pretty good" accuracy (that I see on my other Comskip recordings). I didn't realize Smart Detection even tried to work on Custom Channels sources.

Edit Update: Looks like it also happens on my other Frndly source channels. Not sure when this started to occur, I do not normally record off the Frndly source.

That particular request has been made a few times in the official Smart Detection thread, pretty much shot down.

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