BETA: Smart Commercial Detection for TVE & Pluto

Both Comskip and the new smart Commercial Detection work very well most of the time. In general, the source channel makes the difference so prioritizing recordings to a source produces the best results. I've done this using Favorites yet there are individual shows that seem to break the pattern.

An example of what I do is I have the science channel fevered via TVE while my HD Home Run is top priority.

It would be great if:

  • There was a selection of which commercial skipper to use for each channel
  • Passes could include a commercial skipping chose

I will repost the suggestion to that forum

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I think the general consensus is becoming clear that there should be a choice between commercial skippers on a per-program basis. Most likely included in advanced settings in passes as the most logical place.

I personally like having the per show pass option idea. But I also think maybe a global option for recordings without passes. In that case a global setting could be like "Commercial Detection: Smart, Legacy (Comskip), and None."

A setting per program doesn't make sense to me, because the option is not available on all channels. If you set a program to use smart detection, but it only records over OTA, it's never going to use smart detection and the setting just causes confusion.

Understood. However, the reverse I think is being wanted. If someone just wants the Comskip and not the Smart filter. ~If you want a program to use Comskip detection, but it only records over TVE, it's going to use smart detection anyway even if you really just want only Comskip~

You could use MCE Buddy to move recordings to the imports folder, for the shows that you don't want the commercials detected.

If the detection is not working on a TVE channel, I would rather disable it once in the code. I don't expect every user to figure out which shows and channels it works on, and then change settings to make their DVR work.

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Fair enough. And thank you for your time and effort and always being polite and considering our ideas and thoughts and really explaining your reasoning behind things. It is awesome to be able to get this kind of feedback from a developer.


I would not expect every user to switch the detection yet some will. We are also dealing with a moving target. What I've basically done is taken advantage of your super work on the new Smart Commercial Detection for the Discovery set of channels by making there TVE channels priority over my prime.

We watch all sorts of obscure channels. Do you want us to have to contact you every time a channel dose not work well with the Smart Detection? It seems we can change this our selves.

A more interesting setup would be to have those of us that make choices notify you so you can see which channels work best with which solution, sort of a vote. That process could be automated.

Right now I'm twisting the design to get desired results. This works for me yet others might want to use Favorites for what they are designed.

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Is there something I need to do to make sure its disabled on my end? My WE TV commercial detection is still all over the place.

You need to update to newer prerelease

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When I go in to edit commercials on Farscape (recorded from Comet TV), the changes don't seem to save. Sometimes, even after checking or unchecking boxes, the save changes button stays grayed out. And then even if I am able to click on save changes if I go back in and go to re-edit commercials again, all the changes I made have been undone.

Edit: I've gone in to watch the first episode, and I've noticed as I'm watching that the timing on the episodes isn't quite right even with the manual edits as well. Right as it jumps to commercial, you still see a second or two of the commercial. I think it's probably because the manual edits didn't save properly, because it's definitely where made a manual change.

Edit 2: I just went in and made manual changes to another episode, hit save changes and it said it saved. Then a few seconds later, all the boxes I checked or unchecked were back to the way they were before I made the changes. So there's definitely a glitch preventing them from saving properly. I just updated to the most recent pre-release today before starting this so I'm definitely up-to-date.

I updated to the latest pre-release again today to see if this was just a bug in the last one, and it is still an issue. I can uncheck boxes so that they are now shown as commercials, but the save changes button stays grayed out and says saved. If I can get it to show the save changes button, and save the changes, if I leave the edit commercials box open, I can see the changes revert within about 30 seconds of making the change. I also tried a different show recorded from a different channel OWN and the same thing happens there. So there is definitely a bug that is not allowing the saving of commercial edits. I’m using 2022.02.02.0112. I have a raspberry pi running the latest version of the Raspberry Pi OS. I submitted logs 44bcb9d9-fdf1-4ad7-98b7-0de00683bdca though I don’t know how helpful they will be since I don’t see anything about commercial edits in them when I look.

Which browser?

I have Chromium installed on my raspberry pi. But I've also tried it by accessing the settings from my macbook in both Chrome and Safari and it happens in all of them.

Does the new commercial detection run on Hallmark Channels? All commercial breaks are now skipping several seconds early and coming back a few seconds early.

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2022/02/20 20:00:00.011548 [MTS] Statistics for "TV/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries S01E18 Haunted by Murder 2022-02-20-1800.mpg": skipped=0 unhandled_packets=0 discontinuity_detected=0 transport_errors=0 invalid_pts=0 invalid_dts=0 saw_pcr=true saw_pmt=true highest_pts=7213.288100
2022/02/20 20:00:00.067372 [ADS] Detected 18 commercial markers in file-10725: TV/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries S01E18 Haunted by Murder 2022-02-20-1800.mpg
2022/02/20 20:00:00.141952 [DVR] Finished job 1645408800-55 Aurora Teagarden Mysteries
2022/02/20 20:00:00.281482 [DVR] Processing file-10725: TV/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries/Aurora Teagarden Mysteries S01E18 Haunted by Murder 2022-02-20-1800.mpg

You can tell from the ADS entry in the log, and that commercials were flagged in under 1s.

If you see an ADS entry in the logs, that means it was the new detection. Comskip detection has DVR entries both for the beginning and the completion of detection.

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It needs tweaking. Old comskip did not cut out early. Now each time it skips you have to go back to play the last few seconds of the show before each commercial break.

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On what channels? It works perfect for me on discovery and history. 100%

As I said in my post Hallmark

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Since we're talking about Hallmark and smart commercial detection, would you be able to check if you have this issue?