Fox Weather

Looks like it is only 720p30fps so quality is kind of meh...


Good work @slampman and @chDVRuser now have guide data. It put it as channel 9000 but that’s fine.

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If you provide tvc-guide-stationid there is no need to provide a logo, name, or anything else.

Or simply map it with the gracenote data in the gui that’s already included

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Fox Weather" tvc-guide-stationid="121307",FOX WEATHER

This seems to work pretty good as long as the guide data is actually what is on. Time will tell

I'm going to delete refs to station id 93141 as it's no good.

I gave this a try and it works well from the Web UI. But, I cannot get the channel to show up, in the guide, of any of my IOS/TVOS Clients.

Any ideas?

Are you using custom collections at all? Does the channel show up in the settings area of the app within the source?

Is the guide set to just show favorites? Pick all channels in the guide. You can favorite the channel through settings>sources

I am using custom collections under live TV. The Source shows, but the channel does not show under the Source. It does show up in the web ui guide and the video plays fine.

Guide was set to show all.


Mine did that at first. Had to restart the app a couple of times and it finally showed up in the app. Are you using the code from 6 posts above? Channel 9000?

Yes. I was using the code that you guys suggested. The channel ended up at the end of my other channels.

I will give it another try.

Thanks again,

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Tried it for a couple days.
Guide has all the shows, but didn't line up with what I was seeing.
Anyone else notice?

I could only find one other station id

but it just shows 4hr blocks titled "Local Programming".

Right now I'm viewing "Night Light', but guide says "America's Weather Tonight".
Guide says Night Light is on at 1am & 4am.

Reminds me of a recording I made on Pluto Naturescape channel titled "Sunny Shores" that was supposed to be white sand beaches in Hawaii and was actally rocks and icebergs instead.

Same here.
Just a guess....
The guide data retrieved via stationid is returned based on UTC and channels is not applying the timezone offset.

All guide data uses UTC time and Channels adjusts based on the Time Zone setting on your server and the current time on your server. The guide data for that station id just appears to be off by 5 hours (at least here in the UTC-8 timezone). WILD is streaming now and according to the guide it's correct? but the guide also shows it airs in 5 hours.

For me it shows WILD airing again in 3 hours (not 5)....interesting to see when Night Light starts (for me in 4 hours)..

It shows “Fox Weather Sunrise” first airing at 8:00am for me. I’m central time. Can any east or west coasters look at the and see what time it starts for you? Seems like sunrise should air at 5 not 8 but I don’t know. Seems like guide is 3 hours behind. Their repeating content makes it hard to tell. Nightlight just aired at midnight guide has it at 3am. More convinced the guide data is 3 hours behind.

Agree on the 3 hours....Night Light started for me at 11PM vs guide at 2AM

But. Night lite is playing another and I don’t see a back to back night lite anywhere in the guide. Unless I’m mistaken