Frndly TV for Channels

It's the same with FOX Weather (not a frndlyTV channel).
Just appears that Gracenote doesn't have a stationId that exactly matches the schedule.
For Cowboy Way, if using 127279 we would have to pad all our recordings to start and end 5 hours early.

That's a good find!
You mentioned SD guide data for it. Are you getting the channel from an SD OTA or Cable tuner?

Looks like the aired Titles match, not sure about the actual episodes though.

i think its better to use the correct epg data that frndly provides (using the 2x source method) vs having wrong data

Have set Curiosity to 110951

No big deal if a wrong ID gets set.
Its worth a try :slight_smile: we can always revert it if found to be wrong

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I see Channels is using 121307(FWX), have y'all tried 93141 (FOXWX)?

If you use the XMLtv cmd or epg123 or others and set your zipcode to 00000, you'll see a great many OTT providers available in SD.

I've been working for months to ascertain more qualitative guide data, online database enriched guide data (tmdb,trakt,tvdb), locally cached/served images, custom channel numbering, docker serviced IPTV sourcing... there is nowhere close to "one ring to rule them all" I'm afraid. I may have accrued multiple SD accounts in my plight.


Thanks, haven't tried it since NOV '21 Fox Weather - #20 by chDVRuser

And now that I look back at that thread, guide was 3 hours off.

Is there any way to get the detailed info that shows on the frndlyTV website guide (when you click an airing for details).

yes, but its a one request for each piece of info.
Everyone's container doing that every X period - not great for them

what I usually do for problems like this is I scrape the data on my server and host it, and then everyone pulls from that. But I think some of the frndly channels guide data changes based on your IP location? So wouldn't work for those

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Thanks for the explanation.

Looks like 123651 may be a better match for ION Mystery than 112568

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Are you pulling in live streams from Peacock and Freevee? If so mind sharing how.

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I am not. Just exploring all the avenues of guide data.

Interesting. Can you elaborate a little bit more? :slight_smile:

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You could try something like what I did to verify the correct stationId

should we change ION Mystery from 112568 -> 123651 ?

Don't see why, unless @warrentc3 has a reason.

stationId's 89923, 112568 and 123651 all have the same exact program listings for the next 16 days

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ok. ill leave as-is on 112568 for now

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I think the Heartland on frndly should be reverted back to XML guide data... that's a different Heartland than 78584, which is a country music channel.

Not sure what's airing on that channel (Heartland) as I never watched or recorded it.
If it's episodes of a show named Heartland (2007) which has 16 Seasons, there are a couple stationId's with listings.
I don't know if they're correct for what's airing though.

"stationId": "121952","callSign": "XAZHRT","name": "Heartland","type": "Streaming"
"stationId": "124629","callSign": "XTBHRT","name": "Heartland","type": "Streaming"

Looks like it is episodes of Heartland (2007) airing on frndlyTV, but the stationId listings above don't align with what's airing.

@matthuisman I agree with @warrentc3 that it should be put back to the XMLTV listings from frndlyTV, at least until someone finds an accurate stationId for the channel.
slug heartland


Thanks for this… i don’t have gracenote dev access to peruse. I will do some painstaking validation over the weekend of the guide data and follow up next week.