Fox Weather

Very confusing.
Now it appears what's airing for me should be airing 3hrs later according to the guide.
The EPG (guide data) times are in unix epoch format which is UTC time.
So everyone that's using the same station id should see the same guide times, but in their own timezone.
And assuming everyone is using the same M3U url that matches what the website airs only adds to the confusion.
Going to setup more hourly recordings. :man_shrugging:

I updated the list in my previous post of what actually aired for me based on the hourly recordings I made up until now.

Ya it seams like 3 hours but I think you will find that your 22:00 recording will be another night light back to back 10pm and 11pm. The 11pm breaks the 3 hour pattern in guide. It will fall back in sync with the 3 hour off at 3am with sunrise(the 6am sunrise in the guide).possibly before that. All times your pst times

I did update my manual recordings to cover 2 minutes before the hour to 6 minutes after since a lot of "Breaking events" aired and hard to tell what show it is.

I guess until we get another (more accurate) station-id, or the one we use gets corrected, there's not much we can do unless we want to generate our own schedules (not me).

I'm just doing this to hone my skills with manual recordings while trying to come up with scripts that can emulate the power of TiVo manual recordings I'm used to. Don't use them that much with Channels, but when I do it's nice to take advantage of the API's the devs allow us to use!

Actually the two back to back Wild episodes broke the guide for me.
Done checking for tonight, will check recordings tomorrow.

I updated my earlier post for what aired vs. guide.
If I could subtract 3hrs from all guide airing times listed, it would work as a corrected PST schedule.
i.e. the first Sunrise episode is now listed as 6am PST, but airs at 3am PST (6am EST) where the guide says Wild.
So it would look like this

PST Guide data should say             What actually airs
11/16 09:00 Fox Weather Sky Dome      America's Weather Center
11/16 10:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/16 11:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/16 12:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/16 13:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/16 14:00 America's Weather Now     America's Weather Now
11/16 15:00 America's Weather Now     America's Weather Now
11/16 16:00 America's Weather Tonight America's Weather Tonight
11/16 17:00 America's Weather Tonight America's Weather Tonight
11/16 18:00 Wild                      Wild
11/16 19:00 America's Weather Tonight Wild
11/16 20:00 America's Weather Tonight Night Light
11/16 21:00 Wild                      Wild
11/16 22:00 Night Light               Night Light
11/16 23:00 As It Happened            Night Light
11/17 00:00 Wild                      Wild
11/17 01:00 Night Light               Night Light
11/17 02:00 America's Weather First   Night Light
11/17 03:00 Fox Weather Sunrise       Fox Weather Sunrise
11/17 04:00 Fox Weather Sunrise       Fox Weather Sunrise
11/17 05:00 Fox Weather Sunrise       Fox Weather Sunrise
11/17 06:00 Fox Weather Sky Dome      Fox Weather Sky Dome
11/17 07:00 Fox Weather Sky Dome      Fox Weather Sky Dome
11/17 08:00 Fox Weather Sky Dome      Fox Weather Sky Dome
11/17 09:00 Fox Weather Sky Dome      America's Weather Center
11/17 10:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/17 11:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/17 12:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/17 13:00 America's Weather Center  America's Weather Center
11/17 14:00 America's Weather Now     America's Weather Now
11/17 15:00 America's Weather Now     America's Weather Now
11/17 16:00 America's Weather Tonight America's Weather Tonight
11/17 17:00 America's Weather Tonight America's Weather Tonight
11/17 18:00 Wild                      Wild
11/17 19:00 America's Weather Tonight Wild
11/17 20:00 America's Weather Tonight Night Light
11/17 21:00 Wild                      Wild
11/17 22:00 Night Light               Night Light
11/17 23:00 As It Happened            Night Light
11/18 00:00 Wild                      Wild
11/18 01:00 Night Light               Night Light
11/18 02:00 America's Weather First   Night Light
11/18 03:00 Fox Weather Sunrise       Fox Weather Sunrise

Don't know of an easy way to do that. I'm thinking it would require a new station-id.

I just perused this thread after noticing how active it is. Some thoughts:

If you go to the FOX TVE page ( you can get a much better quality stream. 720p60fps, bitrate around 6-7 Mbps. You do need a token generated each time you visit the stream, but it doesn't require a provider login. @tmm1 any chance this can be added as a TVE channel since you're already grabbing streams from

If the EPG data is correct but incorrectly shifted 3 hours, Gracenote can fix it quickly if made aware. Based on their support page there's no way for consumers to report bugs but maybe the devs can get in touch with them about the issue.

In my research that token is only valid for like 24 hours before it expires. Supposedly it may also contain other data including but not limited to location. That’s why I choose the stream I provided in earlier posts.

Somewhat correct. I know the feed is Eastern time and the station-id guide is Eastern time.
If my timezone math is correct, I think those on Eastern time see it lining up like my last post.

Wondering why Gracenote would have a station-id for a streaming channel like this, but highly doubt they would correct it. I've fedback to zap2it before and quit holding my breath.

Gracenote even has guide info from some Peacock streaming channels, I think because they provide metadata to Comcast. There's lots of interesting channels in their database.

How can you look at their database?

I don't think their database is public, I just stumble across random channels while I search via the Channels guide mapper. You can find Peacock channels if you search "PK."

I just found this thread and was wondering if the Fox Weather channel was added to TVE, and if it was, how do I add it to my Channels list so I can see it in my guide?

If it wasn't added to TVE, how can I add it to my server so instead of having to get out of Channels on my Fire TV and open the FoxNow app to watch it?

Scroll up... I have a post that gives you the content to copy and paste into a custom channel

Thanks Slampman, but I've never created a custom channel. Where can I go to find some instructions? I see under 'Add a Source' dropdown, there is an option for 'Custom Channel' but I wasn't sure if I used that, and if I did, what fields got filled in.

Add source-custom channel. Copy and paste code from post 15 so that it looks like post 7. Reload client app and fox weather should be in your guide under all channels

So it looks. Like this

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Thanks chDVRuser, I have that, and thanks Rice, I created the new source and it is working.

Just be aware the guide data is off by 3 hours. So if you want to record a certain show, record based off the time and not name.

Maybe this means the guide data will get fixed.

Either way I added this channel in the next build.

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