Fox Weather

FOX added it as a subchannel last week here in NYC so i think its been fixed by gracenote for a week but i cant be sure since i am not paying too much attention to it. the hdhr hasnt loaded guide data for it yet so i cant compare.

What's the call sign for that station?


WNYW Channel 5-3?
Looks like it's OTA in a few places.


nice just updated where do we find it?

TVE Channel 6725
To get guide data for you'll need to redownload guide after updating, or just wait for the daily morning guide update tomorrow.

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Show up as TVE 6725 with guide data, but fails to play....

Fixed in prerelease.

Did the version on channel 6725 stop working for everyone or just me?

I still have a custom one set up but no EPG.


Working fine for me

From the log...

2022/05/06 16:57:25.873536 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6725: TVE: missing video url
2022/05/06 16:57:25.917921 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch6725-dANY-ip192.168.blah.blah: TVE: missing video url
2022/05/06 16:57:25.918020 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6725-dANY-ip192.168.blah.blah

I'm running the latest pre-release 2022.05.06.1650


Yeah my 6725 is showing "missing video url". I actually noticed it this morning but decided to give it some time. Figured it was a problem on their end and not a Channels problems. It has been about 12 hours now. I just rescanned my Spectrum source and now it is showing "missing video url" there too.

This manually created one works but I don't have epg for it

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Fox Weather" channel-number="0.4" tvg-logo="" tvg-name="FW" tvc-guide-title="Live weather" tvc-guide-description="Watch weather live.",FOX WEATHER

Actually I am just using what was suggested earlier in this topic:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="Fox Weather" tvc-guide-stationid="121307",FOX WEATHER

Thats up around #55 from @Rice. Im getting logo and epg just fine.

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It seems like the 6725 does fail but it seemed to work for me because it was loading up the m3u on 6725 failure

2022/05/06 17:29:18.416719 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-Spectrum ch6725 FXW: TVE: missing video url
2022/05/06 17:29:18.508056 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FoxWeathertest for ch9000 FOX WEATHER
2022/05/06 17:29:29.167750 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to M3U-FoxWeathertest for ch9000 FOX WEATHER (clients=2, len=0)


Cool. Is that benefit of connection sharing? I don’t have that turned on my system… yet.

Yeah, I submitted a support ticket several days ago, but haven't heard back. So I added the m2u version, which works.

Honestly I don’t know why it tunes the m3u on failure of the tve stream. I have not set up anything special. Not sure what you mean by connection sharing. I do have tve higher priority in sources so channels is probably smart enough to go to the next source down for the channel

My bad. I meant tuner sharing. Anyway… Yeah it makes sense now that I spent 2 seconds thinking about it. Lol. I only thought of priority in a recording sense, not a live sense.