Fox Weather?

This used to work for me--but recently when changing to another server--I tried entering this link and I keep getting the error message "malformed m3u..." Suggestions?

That's an m3u8 playlist URL so you can't use it directly as a URL in a Custom Channel. I think the error message says as much.

You'll need to do a Custom Channel as Text with an M3U that you craft yourself. I just tried the below and it is working for me.


#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="FOXWX" channel-number=7010 tvc-guide-title="Fox Weather Channel" tvc-guide-tags="Live" tvc-guide-placeholders="28800",FOXWX

As @dschaper says, use text but this text will get you guide data. Just change 30000 to whatever channel you want it to be on.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="30000" tvg-id="30000" tvg-chno="30000" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="121307" tvg-name="FWX" group-title="HD",FXW