[FR] Additional thumbnails for Comskip segments

TLDR - I would like to request the ability to view additional thumbnails containing the first and last non-black frame within a Comskip segment.

As we all know, Comskip is a best effort utility that occasionally needs some tweaking. The Edit Commercials UI has made it immensely easier to identify files that need a little TLC. However, I often find that the existing thumbnails do not show precisely where a "cut" took place.

Why is this important? I post process many of my DVR recordings. Using the generated .edl file, I remove commercials from these recordings. When I encounter .edl files containing inaccurate frame data, I manually edit the .edl files before I run my post-processing scripts. Thumbnails showing the first and last non-black frame within a Comskip segment will help identify which files may need a manual intervention.

I agree, but curious what you use as a post-processing script for these?

I do the same, but use VideoRedo TVSuite v6 (aka VRD 6)

after having Channels DVR generate the comcut file for it.

I wrote a bash script that I run manually whenever I have shows that need to be converted. Aside from basic command-line commands, the script leverages Comchap/Comcut, FFMPEG, Handbrake, and Filebot for all the heavy lifting.

The script does exactly what I need it to do. The only challenge is the accuracy of Comskip. Considering that I've managed to automate 95% of the conversion process, I don't mind manually tweaking Comskip .edl files here and there. The extra thumbnails would help optimize the manual editing.