Freeze and app lockup on Tivo Stream 4K when scrolling the guide to see future airings

My wife complained that it was freezing when she was trying to move to a future date in the TV guide.

She showed me what she was doing. At first, she thought she was going too fast to go to a future date so she tried slowly but the guide would not go past tomorrow. And then it locked up to the point where the device would not respond to remote keys. Finally, after maybe 30-40 seconds, it finally went to the home screen of the device as requested on the remote.

I submitted diagnostics from the device.

Some background information...

The guide was set up to show only the DirecTV channel collection, which is set up this way:

Since DirecTV doesn't provide all TVE channels from our package, I customized the collection to include channels provided by other sources. For example, ION (channel 4004) and MeTV (4001) are from the Frndly TV docker, and PBS (33818) is from the PBS docker. They are arranged in the order of the official DirecTV guide.

My wife was trying to scroll to the right to get to Sunday to see what would be on QVC (6953). She was able to go to tomorrow afternoon and I noticed that it was not loading the content of PBS. That's where it locked up.

Then she tried to press the home button on the remote and nothing was happening. Finally, it went there but it froze for a while.