Frndly TV for Channels

:smiley: Looks like the got it fixed. Over the past 4 hours I have made 5 Frndly recording with zero interruptions. And LIVE did not cut out at station ID on METV like it has constantly for the past several days. Cross your fingers I think they got it.


with latest docker image, the page will now give you the two playlist urls / epg url to use in Channels.

I have updated my blog post to say to view that page for configuration.


As somewhat of a joke, gracenote seems to have given up trying to give details on GAC family christmas movies.

They're all the same drek, anyway (sigh).

I have switched to the new docker.
I'm using gracenote data for 35 of the 41 channels.
I have entered the previous details in a separate source so that the channels not included in gracenote have some listings.
the display on the tv as it relates to what is on now looks much better.


if its found GAC family christmas movies gracenot is going to continue to be "no good", then I can remove it from my online file and it'll start using the local generated epg instead

as long as you have both sources setup

nah, it's just this endless (crappy) movie marathon. I submitted a req with zap2it comparing their data to frndly, which has all of the movies.

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Actually everything else on GAC Family looks okay. Its just that when GAC Family does a christmas movie marathon the gracenote just calls each the movies the same title "GAC Family Christmas Movie" instead of the movies actual title. Its just specific to one event one that channel.

sorry - is gracenote wrong or not?
I said if its proven to continue to be wrong - we can change the docker container to use the epg provided by frndly-tv for it

How long has it been wrong for?


gracenote is good

oh right - does frndly tv website have the movie names in the main epg view? (not after you click it)

The real fix to all of this is for someone to write a proper Frndly TV EPG scraper that gets each programs full data. Then we get rid of gracenote and just use that.

Nope. Just "GAC Family Christmas Movie". :smile: Maybe GAC hasn't even decided what to air yet. Maybe there is some bloke in there working the weekend shift with a few DVDs.

The next marathon is Saturday.

I was going to suggest that for the gracenote-less channels so we could get descriptions to boot. Otherwise, the gracenotes work awesome for those channels that have them. Sadly I don't have the skills or talent to write a scraper. lol.

Yes, it does have the Movie Title there.
But there's no release year and the description/summary just says "Great American Christmas in July, a marathon of Family Christmas Movies."

So you would have to lookup the movie on TMDB/IMDB to figure out what it is.

I think @Absenm meant that's what Gracenote shows for the Movie Title.

Oh, well. The Gracenote guide data is good for the rest of that channel, so no point in removing the station id.

Does it need to be in py3 or is node okay?

You are semi-correct @chDVRuser. When I looked at the Frndly website guide earlier it did give the same info as the gracenote. But I just checked the Frndly site again now and it is giving the title. So was bad timing on my part.


Yup, @Absenm. It seems that the GAC Family Christmas Movie Titles populated on the Watch Frndly website just this evening.

Just in time for Christmas (in July).

Or mine :smile:

Looks like the GAC Family data is back to being specific about which movie again in both Channels and the Frndly website. I suppose they must have waited to decide which movies would be airing and simply put in "GAC Family Christmas Movie" as a placeholder. Anyway, looks like problem gone.

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Thanks. This may be due to my request, though, as the same thing happened last weekend, and never got fixed.


I am new to Frndly TV and just installed the docker image on my Synology. It is working great.
I'll post separately how I set it up using the Synology GUI as an option for users like me who are new to Docker and Synology.

The MeTV channel is an OTA channel here locally but my antenna no longer picks it up well but it is still in my Channels DVR guide. I noticed that the Frndly TV MeTV stream is from Alabama (according to the call letters in the "Manage Lineup" section of the Frndly TV source) even if I add the variable of my IP address (Las Vegas, NV). As a result, when I compare the MeTV OTA schedule to the Frndly TV schedule, the schedule is 3 hours ahead on Frndly TV. Do all users get the east coast schedule for MeTV? Just curious more than anything.