Frndly TV for Channels

Anyone else having issues with this? I just lost all channels, and I get an error in the container logs.

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

Still working here. Did your sub expire?
Might want to post more lines from the container log to give that line some context as to where it occurred.

I'm not seeing any current issues with the Frndly container here. :crossed_fingers:

FRNDLY channels are working here without an issue.

All good now. It just started working again.


I can't look it up right now. I'm sure somebody else will provide the necessary details so that it can have an EPG.

Gracenote id 97409

Additional info for @matthuisman:


thank you :slight_smile:
added in, will be added in on next scrape


Confirmed. :+1:

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:


What is strange is that tvc-guide-stationid="" in the playlist.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="4106" tvg-id="4106" tvg-chno="4106" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="" tvg-name="ION Plus" group-title="HD",ION Plus

I don't have the Gracenote ID.

It's 55241 BTW if you need that @matthuisman

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will be on the next scrape

your looking the channels playlist. not the playlist out of my docker
Itll be channels that add the tvc-guide-stationid="" if there is no station id mapped

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Should use 117518 for ion Plus.

[{"type":"Streaming","name":"ION Plus","callSign":"IONPSTR","stationId":"117518","bcastLangs":["en"],"preferredImage":{"uri":"\u0026h=270","height":"270","width":"360","primary":"true","category":"Logo","text":"","tier":""},"videoQuality":{"signalType":"Digital","videoType":"HDTV","truResolution":"HD 1080i"}}]

When craftsy arrivesā€¦. itā€™s 132607

[{"type":"Streaming","name":"CraftsyTV","callSign":"CRAFT","stationId":"132607","bcastLangs":["en"],"preferredImage":{"uri":"\u0026h=270","height":"270","width":"360","primary":"true","category":"Logo","text":"","tier":""},"videoQuality":{"signalType":"Digital","videoType":"HDTV","truResolution":"TruHD Uncooperative"}}
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There's also another one for Ion Plus Streaming, "stationId":"119228" VIZIONP.
I don't have a horse in the race (don't watch the channel), but it's about which stationId gives an EPG that matches what's airing, since the channel name and station logo are the same for all of them.
{"type": "Streaming","name": "ION Plus","callSign": "VIZIONP","stationId": "119228",
"videoQuality": {"signalType": "Digital","videoType": "HDTV","truResolution": "TruHD Uncooperative"}}


Technically, the affiliate callsign for ion Plus is IONPLUSā€¦ but that really would only apply for OTA.

Callsigns prefixed with VIZ apply to FAST Channels in the Vizio lineup.

[{"type":"Digital Broadcast Network","name":"ION Plus","callSign":"IONPLUS","stationId":"55241","affiliateId":"55241","affiliateCallSign":"IONPLUS","bcastLangs":["en"],"preferredImage":{"uri":"\u0026h=270","height":"270","width":"360","primary":"true","category":"Logo","text":"","tier":""},"videoQuality":{"signalType":"Digital","videoType":"SDTV","truResolution":""}}]

OK, so you're saying 117518 EPG matches what's airing on the Frndly TV channel. That's all I was saying. I'm not going to check the airings to compare with the different stationId's for this new channel, since I don't watch it.

Yes, IONPSTR matches what is in the guide on the frndly site. The VIZIONP callsign you chucked out there, does not.

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117518 is live now for ION
132607 is "prepped" once we know the frdnly channel number