Frndly TV for Channels

python adventure - day 2 -
I don't know what I'm doing differently today, but I re-ran all the python steps. Today, instead of the white screen from yesterday, I get the message that the server is starting on 8183. So that clears the connection refused issue.
Now I get the following:
[ERR] Failed to parse m3u for frndlytv: malformed M3U provided
In reading the script, I should get a message that says logged in. I do not see that. I assume that actually runs, but it really doesn't seem to be connecting at all.
I've run with my user id and password. Have I missed a step?

REALLY appreciate all the help so far!

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Can you show us exactly what you are typing (redact any private information) and any output that might be helpful in tracking down the situation.

You should be able to browse to http://localhost:8183 and get a page that has the URLs for M3U ready to be copy/pasted in to Channels.

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See that's the problem. No URLs - No M3Us - no playlists
Just get the message that the server is started and a blank screen. I see no indication that it is actually signing into frndly tv.

I'm running and inputting the variables: port #, user name, password, and that New York IP.
I assume that runs if that is not the case, then how do I run After running, I don't get a prompt. Just the message that the service has started on port 8183 and nothing else.
I'm missing something in the setup.
I'll go thru this again and post a screen shot.

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What do you see when you enter localhost:8183 in your browser ?

C:\Users\debtv\frndlytv-for-channels-master>python --PORT 8183 --USERNAME xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --PASSWORD xxxxxxxx --IP
Using IP Address:
Starting server on port 8183

This if from the browser for localhost:8183

Playlist URL: http://localhost:8183/playlist.m3u8
EPG URL: http://localhost:8183/epg.xml

arrrrgh! That's the step that I was missing! I copied http://localhost:8183/playlist.m3u8 into the custom channel setup field and now I show frndly with 32 channels

Final question, do I need to keep the terminal window that says starting server on port 8183 open or is it ok to close that?

Boy, A big thank you to everyone for the help!

if you close the python window showing the "starting server", then that will kill the server.
You should be able to start it without a console window with pythonw ..... (instead of python

but note if it ever fails, it does so silently.
You could also google how to create window services etc.

yep, Found that out. :slight_smile: And I did start thinking about how to start it up without having to re-type everything. Microsoft reboots the PC once a month. I think that is the snow day - day 3 project.
Thanks for the head start on that. And thanks for putting this all together!

Can't seem to get past the 500 Internal Server Error on Local Now. Tried subbing another IP but I can see the stream fine on the app on my local IP. I run docker on a PC and point my NAS at that address . All other channels are fine.

Suggestions? Thanks

2022/02/02 07:42:35.049395 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:35.061794 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:35.061893 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:36.141747 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:36.169764 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:36.169876 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:37.078635 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:37.085597 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:37.085707 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:38.163689 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:38.191463 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:38.191568 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:39.067867 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:39.106900 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:39.106994 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:40.199589 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:40.226350 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:40.226435 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:41.099346 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:41.130267 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:41.130387 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16
2022/02/02 07:42:42.210809 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch9030: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:42.237641 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16: M3U: get 500 Internal Server Error
2022/02/02 07:42:42.237767 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch9030-dANY-ip192.168.1.16

I appeared Frndly was having issues this morning. It wasn't streaming on their website. Try again.

new update just pushed.
This fixes "LocalNow" channel :slight_smile:

Also, The Heartland Network & Family Movie Classics should now have EPG.
Please let me know if the EPG doesn't match as not 100% sure the Gracenote channels are the same.

My guide data for Frndly TV is empty:

I have installed the latest Docker image and even deleted and recreated the whole guide data. Just now, after all that, I had the idea to check the lineup in the settings and none of the channels are mapped:

I was going to fix it manually but I'm getting javascript errors, which is something I will report to the devs now. I know this is not related to this Frndly TV source.

Any idea why the channel mapping is not there?

Sounds like the XMLTV data didn't load, so its not able to showing the mappings or guide data.

Or you're using the stationids and something else is going on, which would likely show up as an error in the log.

I opened the log file and looked for "frndly":

2022/02/17 19:43:06.442574 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for FrndlyTV with 33 channels
2022/02/17 19:43:07.238196 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 0s

2022/02/17 19:43:26.946657 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 0s.

2022/02/17 19:46:01.809968 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for FrndlyTV with 33 channels

2022/02/17 19:46:04.112133 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 0s
2022/02/17 19:46:04.260420 [DVR] Indexed 185 airings into XMLTV-FrndlyTV (3 channels over 75h0m0s) + 0 skipped [0s index]

2022/02/17 19:49:30.155062 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 0s.

2022/02/17 19:49:30.400210 [IDX] Pruned 1 expired airings from XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 27.1419ms.

2022/02/17 19:58:39.442871 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for FrndlyTV with 33 channels
2022/02/17 19:58:40.208262 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 0s
2022/02/17 19:58:40.348747 [DVR] Indexed 186 airings into XMLTV-FrndlyTV (3 channels over 76h19m0s) + 0 skipped [0s index]

2022/02/17 20:02:21.039186 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 543.3ยตs.

2022/02/17 20:02:21.079408 [IDX] Pruned 2 expired airings from XMLTV-FrndlyTV in 13.6658ms.

2022/02/17 20:12:47.603561 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch10984 Hallmark Channel

2022/02/17 20:12:57.520665 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch10984 Hallmark Channel

2022/02/17 20:13:14.775565 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch10987 UP TV

2022/02/17 20:13:21.867016 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-FrndlyTV for ch10987 UP TV

Weird. Does the m3u file have stationids set?

I believe @matthuisman moved those to the cloud, so maybe your docker is not able to retrieve them from the cloud.

Strange channel numbers? Mine are 9000. All are working.

I already have other sources that use channel numbers in that range.

#EXTM3U x-tvg-url=""
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="frndly-31" tvg-id="frndly-31" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="51529",A&E
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="frndly-33" tvg-id="frndly-33" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="14771",The HISTORY Channel
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="frndly-1" tvg-id="frndly-1" tvg-logo="" tvc-guide-stationid="66268",Hallmark Channel

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Please submit diagnostics

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Do you want me to perform specific actions before submitting diagnostics?

A few minutes ago, I submitted diagnostics in a new troubleshooting thread because of Javascript errors. Would that also contain information for this issue?

That's fine. I see some search database errors in your log, so you should run:

curl -XPUT http://x.x.x.x:8089/dvr/database/reindex

Not seeing any errors related to guide data. Have you tried restarting the DVR server (or upgrading to prerelease).

PS C:\Users\mjitk> curl -XPUT
Invoke-WebRequest : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'XPUT'.
At line:1 char:6
+ curl -XPUT
+      ~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-WebRequest], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand

Since this command failed, I will try your other suggestions:

  1. restart the server

  2. update to latest prerelease