From On Now, Guide or Quick Guide, straight to a Show's Upcoming Episodes

So much to channel surf, so many interesting gems to discover. We're watching live, browsing around and land on a new show that we're enjoying. OK, so let's get more of this show! But we're not ready to commit to a whole Season Pass just yet, but we want to poke around and see how many episodes are scheduled ahead, and how they're described, etc. Maybe we'll just manually select a handful to record? So how do we do this? Right now we're exiting the guide, and going to Search and typing the name or using Siri, to find the show again, hoping we're getting it to match the exact ID of the show we're intrigued by. If there is a more direct way to do this, please let me know. Otherwise please consider this request for "Upcoming Episodes" or "Upcoming Airings" or whatever makes the most sense, to be added as a button to click, everywhere it fits. In the web UI I see "More Airings" which lists airings on every channel, that could work.

I think adding this would make deeper levels of live discovery more intuitive, and help the TV app feel more a bit more integrated. Thanks for your support.

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Yes! Voted. :slightly_smiling_face:

I'm not going to vote for this until you do.
Did you know you can vote for your own request?
Or are you holding on to your vote tokens so you don't run out?

EDIT: Changed my mind and voted and now I only have 362 votes left.

I knew I could, it just thought it would be a bit weird. Kinda like, liking your own Facebook post :grimacing: