FS1 and 2 gone

Was working with my provider Hotwire Communications until Thursday, now I'm getting 'failed: not entitled: mvpd: user not logged into MVPD' on recordings. Did a full rescan with the same error.

Something has changed with Fox apparently, these channels have worked without issue since I first setup the DVR. Interestingly my E+ setup that pulls in Fox sports channels works fine with these channels.

Saw the same with Sling. Can log in to the website and watch with no issue. Get the same error So agree something up with Fox. Channels support told me the error is coming from FS1. (Having no issues with FX/natgeo/etc.)

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Seems to be working okay here. YTTV

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Both Channels working XFINITY.

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Also working for me with DirecTV.

However, I see some errors in the log and it took 12 seconds to start streaming FS1.

2025/02/15 11:17:12.558547 [TVE] action=version product=Chrome/133.0.6943.98 jsVersion=13.3.415.21 protocol=1.3 revision=@da53563ceb66412e2637507c8724bd0cab05e453
2025/02/15 11:17:12.563061 [TVE] action=page_ready chromeVersion=133
2025/02/15 11:17:12.563567 [TVE] action=navigate url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/api/v1/authenticate?reg_code=E5GX3D3&mso_id=DTV&domain_name=adobe.com&requestor_id=fbc-fox&noflash=true&deviceType=html5&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsp.auth.adobe.com%2Fadobe-services%2FcompletePassiveAuthentication
2025/02/15 11:17:12.567546 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/api/v1/authenticate
2025/02/15 11:17:12.717614 [TVE] action=wait_for_page
2025/02/15 11:17:12.741450 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=https://idp.dtvce.com/dtv-idp-authn/authn/v2
2025/02/15 11:17:12.741450 [TVE] action=auth_domain domain=idp.dtvce.com
2025/02/15 11:17:12.767590 [TVE] action=response url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/favicon.ico status=404 status_text=Not Found
2025/02/15 11:17:13.159516 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://oidc.idp.clogin.att.com/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/authorize redirected_from=https://idp.dtvce.com/dtv-idp-authn/authn/v2
2025/02/15 11:17:13.439770 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://signin.att.com/dynamic/iamLRR/LrrController redirected_from=https://oidc.idp.clogin.att.com/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/authorize
2025/02/15 11:17:14.737266 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:14.907401 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:14.972899 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:15.206292 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:15.292561 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:15.328181 ERROR: unhandled page event *page.EventFrameSubtreeWillBeDetached
2025/02/15 11:17:16.462811 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:16.465308 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:16.683758 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:19.810516 [TVE] action=page_ready
2025/02/15 11:17:19.810516 [TVE] action=wait_for_page done=true reason=page_ready
2025/02/15 11:17:19.810832 [TVE] action=wait_for_auth timeout=12s
2025/02/15 11:17:19.810832 [TVE] action=fill_form u=mjitkop@yahoo.com
2025/02/15 11:17:19.928059 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:20.016239 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:20.940870 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=https://oidc.idp.clogin.att.com/mga/sps/authsvc
2025/02/15 11:17:21.023570 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:21.149738 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:21.220060 [TVE] action=error_response type=Fetch error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:21.552477 [TVE] action=error_response type=Ping error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:21.553064 [TVE] action=error_response type=Ping error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://ingest.quantummetric.com/horizon/att ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:21.553064 ERROR: unhandled node event *dom.EventScrollableFlagUpdated
2025/02/15 11:17:21.590680 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=https://api.cld.dtvce.com/idp/login
2025/02/15 11:17:21.988266 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=POST url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/sp/saml/SAMLAssertionConsumer
2025/02/15 11:17:22.095149 [TVE] action=request type=Document method=GET url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/completePassiveAuthentication redirected_from=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/sp/saml/SAMLAssertionConsumer
2025/02/15 11:17:22.095149 [TVE] action=authed
2025/02/15 11:17:22.096445 [TVE] action=cookies num_domains=2 num_cookies=5
2025/02/15 11:17:22.112589 [TVE] action=error_response type=Document error=net::ERR_ABORTED url=https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/completePassiveAuthentication ip=
2025/02/15 11:17:24.319868 [TVE] stream timestamps: fs1: start_at=2025-02-15T11:17:19-05:00 end_at=2025-02-15T11:17:47-05:00 live_delay=15s
2025/02/15 11:17:24.319868 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-DTV for ch6197 FS1
2025/02/15 11:17:24.321342 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6197 from (bitrate=7476kbps)
2025/02/15 11:17:25.080492 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch6197-dANY-ip192.168.18.35-remux:  [hls @ 0000015903a69b00] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 1. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
2025/02/15 11:17:25.145086 [HLS] Session ch6197-dANY-ip192.168.18.35 started in 823.008ms
2025/02/15 11:17:25.194377 [HLS] Probed live stream in 871.6158ms: h264 1280x720 progressive 3179866bps
2025/02/15 11:18:03.307857 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6197-dANY-ip192.168.18.35 (out=46.105367s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=22)
2025/02/15 11:18:03.314539 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-DTV for ch6197 FS1
2025/02/15 11:18:03.320997 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6197 FS1: buf=0% drop=0%
2025/02/15 11:18:03.320997 [SNR] Streaming statistics for ch6197 FS1: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0

Trying FS2 right after was instant.

2025/02/15 11:18:10.249107 [TVE] stream timestamps: fs2: start_at=2025-02-15T11:18:09-05:00 end_at=2025-02-15T11:18:38-05:00 live_delay=15s
2025/02/15 11:18:10.249880 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-DTV for ch6198 FS2
2025/02/15 11:18:10.249880 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6198 from (bitrate=7476kbps)
2025/02/15 11:18:10.847297 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch6198-dANY-ip192.168.18.35-remux:  [hls @ 000002652ee50c80] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 1. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly
2025/02/15 11:18:10.908698 [HLS] Probed live stream in 658.0485ms: h264 1280x720 progressive 2814592bps
2025/02/15 11:18:11.043731 [HLS] Session ch6198-dANY-ip192.168.18.35 started in 793.8503ms
2025/02/15 11:18:57.060547 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6198-dANY-ip192.168.18.35 (out=50.1107s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=26)
2025/02/15 11:18:57.061124 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-DTV for ch6198 FS2
2025/02/15 11:18:57.064342 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6198 FS2: buf=0% drop=0%

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I've been trying every couple of days and just now I was able to add FS1.

FS1 disappeared from my Spectrum-TVE 2-3 weeks ago. I checked my HDHomerunPrime source and discovered it suddenly had DRM when it didn't before. I don't watch FS1 much so I let it go. Just saw this thread and tried re-scanning FS1 on Spectrum-TVE and it added the channel back to my lineup for Channels DVR.

Tried rescan again this morning and now I'm getting a different error:
Not entitled: mvpd: entitlement not found.

But I can watch fine with my provider credentials at foxsports.com (with a new sign in) so I don't know what's going on.

I've had this happen in the past with multiple providers and every time it was a problem with my provider login. I even had (1) channel with Spectrum that I was never able to get resolved for TVE and ended up having to subscribe to Philo to get that (1) channel.

Just to confirm, you are using this to login and test:


I assume you've double-checked your username and password used for the TVE source in Channels, so maybe it's time to attempt to re-authenticate the channel, submit logs from the server, and email support.

Each time I had a failure on a TVE channel in the past, I was not able to login with TVE provider credentials on the channel's website. It is a little odd that we aren't all having the problem if it's something specific to Channels DVR.

I have this happen frequently (at least the 12 second or so delay) when I try to tune a channel/network that doesn't get watched very often. I always guessed that there was some kind of token or temporary authentication granted for 6 or 24 or 48 hours that makes consecutive tuning even on different channels in that same network go pretty quick for a time. Once that temp token has expired, Channels DVR has a little more work to do to get it back to good.

This is my foolish layperson guess for something that is probably more complex, but well known by the developers.

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I've been having the same error for over a week with Fubo. I posted about it 5 days ago.

Yeah it's weird that it only happens with channels, I even tried a browser that hadn't been on foxsports.com before and it worked fine with my provider's credentials, so go figure.

My credentials are fine and haven't changed in a year and a half now, if they were wrong I wouldn't be able to pull in much of anything on a rescan. For example definitely not ESPN and friends which work fine. All of the other Fox channels like FX etc. work it's just FS1 and FS2 that don't.

Will definitely need to email support since it is a channels specific problem.

So, the good is that FS1 is still in TVE and recording. The bad thing is I am seeing audio issues for the Fox signal: 2 seconds of audio and 2 seconds of silence repeating EXCEPT commercials, which play uninterrupted audio.
No issues with recording through ADBtuner.

Got same response from channels support, so I assume the issue is with TVE only.

FS1 & FS2 came back for me today. But my local FOX (WTTG) disappeared:

https://api3.fox.com/v2.0/liveplayer/5836e01f3f93d90001ab6627?geoLatitude=(mylocation)&geoLongitude=-(mylocation)&epgListingId=WTTG-program-WTTG-1739966400000: 403 Forbidden: "{"@context":"http://www.w3.org/ns/hydra/context.jsonld","@type":"Error","nā€¦":"Invalid AccessToken Key Id","detail":"Key Id not found or supported"}\n"

I tried unchecking and re-checking "Local Networks via TV Everywhere" and updating to the latest pre-release... no joy.

FOX is hit or miss TVE-wise. It may pop up randomly one day or not. If you want FOX, then you're better off using a HDHR or a HDMI encoder

Sadly WTTG only ever comes in during the summer for me even with an outdoor antenna & pre-amp. I haven't been able to convince the wife to "invest" $200+ on an encoder yet :slight_smile: