FS1 Error - Vidgo Source

Yesterday I went to FS1 on my family room TV to watch some college football, but I kept getting the message below, so I signed into the Fox Sports app (I use a Fire TV Cube) to watch the game. Today I tried FS1 again and got the same error, so I tried the channel on my smartphone using the Channels app, and it worked okay. Went to the Channels Support on the Fire TV app and ran the diagnostics, which gets uploaded (not sure where), and went out to support on the Channels DVR server and submitted a diagnostic log ( 4d7d2c06-0b29-4ab6-908c-376c6f446b4b).

I recently switched my Internet service provider to T-Mobile Home Internet, but up until yesterday, FS1 was working. Updated Channels DVR to the latest version (2023.10.21.0133) and removed my source (Vidgo), and readded it. Still getting the error.

Suggestions anyone?

Maybe you need to make your Vidgo priority higher than Spectrum?

Looks like I still had FS1 disabled on my Vidgo source in the client app, and activated in Spectrum, a leftover of a previous problem problem with FS1, FS2, and the Big10 network. Turned it back on in Vidgo source and it worked.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

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