Fubo TV project

I'm curious about the definition of "player" here, specifically when using this with Channels (and not, say, just VLC or something). Is the Channels Server the "player" in this world? Or is it the Channels client app connecting to the Channels Server?

For example, if Channels Server and the VLC-Bridge-Fubo are running on the same machine, but I'm watching on my iPad from a hotel in a different city, will the iPad's different IP address matter? Or is it only the Channels Server in this instance. I'm thinking it's the Channels Server's IP address that matters, but just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly.

It seems like HLS would be more efficient in this scenario, too, right? Or am I misunderstanding that?


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Based on my experience, it would be the channels server IP or VLC, etc…the IP of whatever is initially calling the docker and subsequently the Fubo API

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Perfect. Thank you for that confirmation!

I'd recommend enforcing tuner sharing, just to be sure.... devs feel free to correct me.

Using Windows 10.

I tried switching from MPEG-TS to HLS and all my Fubo channels would not play anything. Then I switched from HLS back to MPEG-TS and they all came back except for the 4K.

Any ideas on what I might try to get HLS working?

There are two parts here:
You must select the URL for FUBO HLS from the Fubo Docker
Screenshot 2024-02-14 122504

You must select HLS Stream Format in the Custom Channels options in Channels
Screenshot 2024-02-14 122112

Thank you. That worked!

The CBS 4k channel was removed from the lineup. (I think they only added it for the SB).

The Tuner Sharing setting is only relevant for tuning into local HDHomeRuns. All DVR-based streams like Custom Channels and TVE always go through the DVR and share connections.

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Finally, an answer I could understand. I switched the URL and everything works now. Thank you very much.

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Correct the StationID in fubo-gracenote.json file for INWONDER.
From 129477 to 112796

    "144254": {"StationID": "112796", "name": "INWONDER"},
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"144254": {"StationID": "112796", "name": "INWONDER"},

what is this number for "144254"? since "112796" is the station id.

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This is awesome been looking at this for long time can you share the gihub link sorry it's probably been ask before or the docker link to download

Scroll up. There's a few messages above yours.

Went though the whole forum lol can't find it


Your the best

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how do you add fubo channels to the docker? example - how would I put this in the docker?

"69687": {"StationID": "59432", "name": "Nickelodeon - NIKHD"},
"134964": {"StationID": "105893", "name": "Horse & Country - HORACOU", "TimeShift": "-2"},

It doesn't add channels, it just maps the guide data
The file fubo-gracenote.json is now location app/Config folder
-v config_dir:/app/Config