Fubo TV project

Synology DS920+

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Created a new docker for simple HLS redirect instead - jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo-hls

docker run -d -e 'FUBO_USER=<username>' -e 'FUBO_PASS=<password>' -p 7777:7777 -v config_dir:/app/Config --name vlc-bridge-fubo jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo-hls

Aaand just realized this isn't what you asked - lol

Unfortunately the way Hulu is built isn't the same as Fubo, so I can;t

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Thanks, Like I say it may have just been a coincidence, if the issues continue I'll switch back. To HLS. Hard to track things down with so many moving parts. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the hard work.
We will keep going with the new update.
if at some point we need the HLS version, we will go from there.


Yes, Thanks for the hard work. I continued experiencing spinning wheel of death on the Channels App on AppleTV with the MPEG docker, running channels DVR on Synology DS920+ so I ended up installing the HLS version and will run with it for awhile and see if the issues pop back up. On an additional note, I did not issue the new docker compose with the MPEG version, I just changed the source settings from HLS to MPEG-TS. Is it possible the absence of the folder structure for the json file was causing the hang?

You would have had to do a new pull and compose before updating the CDVR to MPEG-TS

I came to the same conclusion and did just that. I'm able to see the JSON in the volume I created, but the freezing issue has kept up. So back to the HLS, so far no issues.

So original install about a week ago for me was running well. The upgrade to MPEG seems to cause buffering/freezing. Return to HLS with the new JSON and so far so good. Thanks

Went back to the HLS tocker.
Too much buffering. I could watch but oh well.

@joagomez, I noticed you added streamlink to your Docker image. There's a bug/misfeature in streamlink that I've encountered before and it's affecting your latest image, at least for me. The bug is that when choosing a stream, streamlink uses the first stream with the highest resolution and ignores the frame rate. In my case, Fubo often lists the stream with the highest frame rate second. For example, for a normally 720p60 stream, Fubo gives them to me in an order like 720p30, 720p60, 480p30, etc. I even have at least one case where this hapens with 1080p too. For my local, CBS affiliate, Fubo lists the streams like 1080p30, 1080p60, 720p30, 720p60, etc. As a result, I often get a lower frame rate than I should using your latest image. FWIW, I've worked around this issue in the past by using yt-dlp instead of streamlink as it does a better job of choosing the "best" stream.

An easy way to check for the problem is to play the HLS stream with mpv. Mpv lists the available streams in the order provided and marks the one that it chooses as best.

Thanks for the feedback, can you try the version 1.13 that I just uploaded. I've noticed how fubo sends the feeds as you noted and modified the logic. I did test on my CBS and was now getting 1080p60, but did not see a stream that had both 720p60 and 720p30 (though I admit didn't search very hard)

how can I try 1.13? much appreciated


Pull the latest version

Pull the latest version

Version 1.13 looks good. Thanks for the very quick fix.

I just ran the new image and it is looking good.
due to the fact that I'm between two markets, i have LA locals n my phone and San diego locals on the docker.
Each time i start the tdocker i have to somehow update my location.
Eventually it happens but sure takes time.

I tried, and I installed it, however it says my IP address is being blocked or using VPN, I am not using VPN, not sure why my IP would be banned.


I haven't seen any buffering... what are your internet seeds?

so you can try a couple of things to verify your IP:
from the device hosting your docker run a simple curl command to verify your IP:

curl "https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location"

you'll receive an output similar to the following from the API that tells you if your network is allowed

   "country_name":"united states",

You can also run this directly from the docker however curl is not loaded by default:

docker exec -it vlc-bridge-fubo ash
apk --no-cache add curl
curl "https://api.fubo.tv/v3/location"

If the network_allowed address is false, then Fubo believes you are behind a VPN

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thanks for the reply back, I ran that command and it says I am good, I ran the other Fubo version and I had no issues with IP block.


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would assume you see the same on the Fubo App as well, had a moment where Fubo thought I was in a market 275 miles away, which although was interesting to watch a small market like Grand Junction for a time, they eventually started flipping between the Grand Junction and Denver markets even though my IP remained the same. Eventually I decided to request a new IP from my ISP and issue was resolved