Fubo TV project

I had a problem as described above and had to change the accountpassword.
Docker started working porperly.

If you're using a Windows command line, change the single quote marks to double quote marks.

docker run -d -e "[email protected]" -e "FUBO_PASS=monkey123" -p 7777:7777 --name vlc-bridge-fubo jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo

My password is only numbers and letters, no special characters.

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can you run docker commands without using an admin command prompt?
Try docker -ps from the command line

Thanks for adding this!

Question: Where does the fuboID come from, the fubo API?
I had to update some StationID's and this json file made it easy to do.

Yes, it gets pulled from the Fubo API, and also seen in the web URL

for example, GustoTV URL is:

where the channel ID (what I called the FuboID) is 125634

and in the generated m3u:

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="125634" tvg-id="GUSTOTV" group-title="fubotv-basic" tvg-logo="https://imgx.fubo.tv/station_logos/gustotv_c.png" tvc-guide-stationid="111140",Gusto
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I'm in no way a docker expert so can't tell where this error is being generated in its processing.
So would verify the image is pulled properly.

just noticed that you did not include a volume... so wondering if the container cannot find the json file for processing station ids

If you are using Docker Desktop in Windows, you need to use double quotes around the user and password. " not '

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Docker -ps lists help information.
Docker ps lists running containers.

I found the problem. The example had greater than/less than symbols around FUBO_USER= and FUBO_PASS=. When I filled in those fields, I did not take out the symbols. When I pasted my command line into my forum posts, the forum did not copy them in my example.

When you paste commands or logs in the forum, you should put them between 2 rows of 3 backticks
Paste <things> here
will look like this

Paste <things> here

instead of this
Paste here

and for short one liners, put them between single backtick marks
`Paste <things> here`
so it will look like this
Paste <things> here

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I'm using Windows 10. How do I locate this folder?

that depends on how you mounted the data volume in your run command
-v config_dir:/app/Config

where config_dir is the local folder path you want the file to reside on the host.
and /app/Config is the path within the container

I just followed the example, not knowing what I was doing. I have:
-v config_dir:/app/Config
But I don't know where it is putting it.
Should I put in something like:
-v "D:/Application Data/Docker/app/Config"
so I know where to find it?

hate to do it, but I'm gonna be that guy now...

Assuming you are using wsl2, I would recommend you save to mnt drive to access directly from Windows

-v /mnt/e/fubo/config_dir:/app/Config

This would save to the /mnt/e/fubo/config_dir directory within WSL2
This then corresponds to the E:\fubo\config_dir in Windows

Oh man this is awesome!

I hate to be a menace, but doesn’t seem to quite work for Canada.

If I use the url I get a no channels error in Channels, BUT if i use the url http://x.x.x.x:7777/fubo/watch-hls/82117 HGTV plays just fine! So it works but doesn’t seem to get the Canadian channels list?

Can you try the latest update? (ver 1.16)
It's hard for me to test Canada stations since I'm not in Canada so hopefully this works for you

That seems to have done it! Do you mind me asking what you changed‽

Thanks so much!