Fubo TV project

Glad to hear. The issue was how I was reading the Api response as the US purchased_packages variable matched to a variable called “group” but the Canada packages didn’t, so needed to move to a different variable used by both for my matching to read in the channels

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I never could get config_dir to work, but it appears I don't need it.

My problem now is that all of the channel logos in the guide are correct except CNBC which appears to be some light grey symbol on a white background. I messed with editing the lineup under sources. It shows up fine in the lineup, but not in the guide.

Any suggestions?

You need it to get corrected guide mapping using gracenote station ids.
If you run it on windows docker just map a windows directory to it, like C:\Fubo\config_dir
-v "C:\Fubo\config_dir":/app/Config
Of course whatever directory you map has to already exist on your windows pc.

If you have the fubo-gracenote.json file in the /app/Config directory
"68971": {"StationID": "58780", "name": "CNBC HD"},

It looks correct on the guide mapper

and the grid guide
Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 12-59-20 Channels Guide

I have mine set to Prefer channel logos from Guide Data

I notice you have Stream Format = HLS. Is there a reason to use one format over another? I'm not currently using HLS.

Setting to "Prefer Channel Logos" fixed the problem. Thanks much.

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Hi thy when on euses Mpeg-ts, things freeze.

I personally use HLS.
The format is nice and smooth even if ad insertion kicks in.
I'm not sure what is up b

It was discussed previously starting with this post

also see this post for more information about the difference

So basically, whichever one works in your case.

Recordings started failing late this afternoon after working fine earlier today. I also got an error about an invalid username/password when I tried logging into fubo.tv. I was eventually able to get into fubo.tv by doing the forgot/reset my passwrd dance and can again watch TV in a browser. I can also watch using the Android TV app. Recording using the Docker image (1.15 and 1.17) is still not working, though, even after updating the password and several restarts. The container log shows the following:

HTTP failure 401: {"error":{"code":"INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD","message":"That email and password combination is not valid.","lc_message":"That email and password combination is not valid."}}
HTTP failure 401: {"error":{"code":"FORGOT_CREDENTIALS","message":"That email and password combination is not valid.","lc_message":"That email and password combination is not valid. Try again or reset your password."}}

Is anyone else having/had similar problems?

My initial search here for password issues didn't return anything but I found a similar case while searching again. Anyway, I vaguely remembered some Docker images/services having problems with complex passwords. I wasn't sure it was with this one and Fubo but I removed all punctuation characters from my password and that seems to have solved things for now.

I'm still not sure why the web site didn't acdept my old password. I never got any notice about needing to change it.

The docker and recordings are working as expected so far.
I will keep an eye out.

The problem is most likely due to using a docker run command and not escaping special characters.
Which characters need escaped depends on what shell you use to issue the command.
In general, for linux, enclose the string in single quote marks
--env '[email protected]' --env 'FUBO_PASS=secret'
and for windows use double quote marks.
--env "[email protected]" --env "FUBO_PASS=secret"

Using docker compose or a GUI front end makes it easier.

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I'm using docker-compose via Portainer.

That should work.

If I'm unsure what docker thinks I said in the run command, I ask it.
For environment values, I use
docker inspect --format='{{join .Config.Env "\n"}}' vlc-bridge-fubo

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Easy. Get a NY residential proxy. Run docker behind proxy like so.....

docker run --env HTTPS_PROXY='http://proxyip:proxyport' --env HTTP_PROXY='http://proxyip:proxyport' < rest of command here >

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what is the proper docker command to run on ubuntu? I can't seem to load channels after installing docker

Is this correct?

docker run -d -e 'FUBO_USER=username' -e 'FUBO_PASS=password' -p 7777:7777 -v config_dir:/app/Config --name vlc-bridge-fubo jgomez177/vlc-bridge-fubo

I just signed up for a FUBOTV trial ... I was able to install the docker on windows desktop using the portainer extension. everything looks ok is there a stream limit on FuboTV ?

Edit found it ....

How many devices can I stream from at the same time?

  • 5 months ago
  • Updated

All current Fubo US-English plans (Pro, Elite, Ultimate) at a minimum include Unlimited Screens, which allows you to stream from ten devices at a time.

The Fubo Latino plan includes Standard Share, allowing you to stream for two devices at once.

Add Family Share + Unlimited Streams to stream on up to ten supported devices on your Home Network, plus three streams outside the home using mobile devices or web browsers, for a total of 13.

Fubo Playlist v1.16
Last Updated: Jan 4, 2024


Where did that come from?

m0ngr31/vlc-bridge-fubo (github.com)

I could not get the docker commands to Install so I just downloaded the image ran with portainer and set the variables user. pwd and port. Portainer extension is great for those running windows docker desktop.

Thanks, I see he posted :1.17 recently and now :latest = :1.16
I'm on :1.15, time to update I guess.