FuboTV docker by matthuisman Request

The Fubo-VLC-Bridge does 90% of what I want it to do. My ultimate dream is to be able to create a playlist or individual channel urls that I can upload into Stremium or like a Tivimate so I can access them remotely. I understand I can access them remotely using CDVR or even uploading my CDVR playlist into Emby(both of these I have set up currently) but neither of these perform very well at all remotely. We travel a lot & I want to be able to have the same tv experience no matter if I'm home or on the road. The only channels I can get to work properly & honestly they actually have worked flawlessly are the channels being generated by the Frndly docker. This example url generated by that docker works with no issues with Stremium & in Tivimate http://serverip:8183/play/me_tv-44.m3u8

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I've also played around with & tried everything I could think of to try & get my CDVR TVE channel urls to work remotely through Stremium & Tivimate & I can't get them to work at all.

did you by chance try Talescale?
I run most of the stuff through channels and i use the new feature to pull stuff into emby.
I've added the Fubo streams into emby and found it to be quite nice.
If you are using mobile, does your provider throttle video?
My visible service does throttle video.
I haveen't played with Streamium in a long time. I don't think it is in active developement. I like the fact that the service is in the cloud but things are pretty dated.

I have Talescale but I've never really messed around with it. You think it's possible to utilize Talescale in a way to make my CDVR channel urls accessible remotely?

Yeah unfortunately Stremium is very dead but it's still working. Love that I can use my Sling credentials to pull in channels without any strain on my server. There's no way for me to reliably pull locals into Stremium now though hence me hoping to get Fubo streams or my CDVR TVE channels to work. With the Death of Stremium & TVE I've been trying to get my playlists to work in Tivimate or an even better player called Implayer.

Throttling is definitely not an issue for my remote streams though

Also how did you get the Fubo Channels in emby, using the m3u generated by the docker or through CDVR? Don't know if I've tried the 1st option but through CDVR into Emby the streams are very slow & not very reliable remotely. I have zero issues at all playing movies or shows through emby remotely only live channels


Have you tried using the Fubo MPEG-TS playlist for your Custom M3U channel?

When I use the MPEG-TS playlist in VLC the streams don't work at all so I've never tried to use them in any other way. Not sure why they aren't working

From what I’ve seen, the mpeg-ts streams work great in Channels and Emby. But, I’ve noticed that things can get a bit wonky when Fubo adds local ads. Channels and Emby don’t handle the switch to the HLS stream as smoothly as we’d like. So, if you want to avoid any issues, I recommend sticking with the HLS stream.

I think you meant to reply to @sportman09 who is the one that asked you how you got the Fubo channels into emby and how to use Tailscale for remote access.

Knowing he's trying to view Fubo remotely, I just mentioned the MPEG-TS stream as a possible solution. Since neither one of us are using Fubo anymore, we can't test.

I no longer use Fubo, so can't try this, but this is what I would try.

Cloud        Local IP                   Local IP             Remote IP
[Fubo]->HLS->[Fubo container]->MPEG-TS->[Channels DVR]->HLS->[Client]

That way the HLS stream from [Fubo] is played in the [Fubo container] and output as a MPEG-TS stream to [Channels DVR] which remuxes it to an HLS stream for remote viewing.

If the MPEG-TS output in the Fubo for Channels container is broken, obviously it wouldn't work.
I know you said it didn't play in VLC, but did it work in Channels DVR?

If that doesn't work, try this

Cloud        Local IP               Local IP             Remote IP
[Fubo]->HLS->[Fubo container]->HLS->[Channels DVR]->HLS->[Client]

Since I don't use emby, I can't answer your question to rpaulmerrell, but would assume you can replace either the [Client] or the [Channels DVR] with emby.

Note that I didn't mention this scenario, since MPEG-TS streams don't perform well on remote connections.

Cloud        Local IP                   Local IP                 Remote IP
[Fubo]->HLS->[Fubo container]->MPEG-TS->[Channels DVR]->MPEG-TS->[Client]

Thank for the suggestions guys. I'll play around & see if I can get MPEG-TS to work to see how it performs

Not really sure how much you guys care lol but a little update for you. I changed all my streaming qualities to "original", logged into my CDVR web page remotely, played a channel, collected the stream & then plugged it into my Implayer app & into stremium & they are playing really well now with my TVE channels so that is some promising progress for me. I tried the same with my Fubo-Bridge channels coming from CDVR but they are not working nearly as smoothly, actually not really at all. They are very slow to start the stream, then buffer a ton & then seem to just loop back to the beginning of the stream & basically restarts & continues that same process. Just for reference here's the streams I've used.

TVE(working great)

Fubo-VLC-Bridge(starts stream, but buffers then loops back to start)

Just for grins you could make sure it's remuxing instead of transcoding by appending codec=copy to the url


Did you try using both the HLS and MPEG-TS playlist from the Fubo for Channels docker container?

I still cannot get MPEG-TS to work at all for me. I just tried your url suggestion but got the same results, but oddly enough I found out that this issue is actually only an issue for the 1 specific channel from Fubo. It just so happened to be the channel I've used for testing all day. It's my local NBC channel unfortunately. All the other channels I've tested from Fubo are working as expected. It's not an issue with the Fubo docker though because if i test the stream I'm getting from the docker I have no issues, I'm only having this issue with the url that CDVR creates of this specific channel.

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Interesting. So the MPEG-TS playlist from the docker works for all but the NBC channel?
Which just happens to be one you can't use TVE for.

No the MPEG-TS from the docker doesn't work at all. I have to use the HLS link from the docker in CDVR. Then from there all channels from the HLS docker url work in CDVR except my local NBC channel. If I play the url of NBC straight from the docker in VLC it works though, so something about just this particular channel is getting broken between the docker & CDVR. The url from the docker of the channel in discussion that works in VLC is http://serverip:7777/fubo/watch-hls/32637

OK, so this works (except for NBC)

But NBC only works when using VLC like this, correct?

Cloud        Local IP               Remote IP
[Fubo]->HLS->[Fubo container]->HLS->[VLC-Client]

Does NBC work if using a Channels Client device, like this?

Cloud        Local IP               Local IP             Remote IP
[Fubo]->HLS->[Fubo container]->HLS->[Channels DVR]->HLS->[Channels Client device]

All the above is correct. The CDVR app & web both play NBC on a loop as described above. All channels from Fubo with the exception of NBC work with the setup in your first example & NBC works as expected in VLC with the setup of your 2nd example

Have you tried using the Channels DVR VLC integration (works on Windows).
It will let you play using VLC instead of the DVR web admin UI player.
I know it works locally, never tried it remotely.

I have a MacBook & I'm not sure it'd work anyway since the CDVR url generated for this channel won't play correctly in VLC either only the original from the Fubo docker