Genre Coloring on TV Guide

One of the things I miss the most from moving over from Windows Media Center is Genre coloring when browsing the TV Guide. This makes it super easy to see what's on. Yes I know there is the ON Now section but that only works for current programming. Same with the different sections in the TV Guide.

I loved the look and function of WMC! This would be an awesome option to add to the guide! You have my vote for this!

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Different shades of purple :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This would be a great option / addition. +1 from me.

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As an option only, please.

(Back when I used Kodi with Tvheadend, manually modifying the skin to disable/remove the guide genre colors was the first thing I did on any new install/device.)

What is needed are Color Themes. The current purple scheme is almost impossible for my wife to see. Really need a clearer theme.

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WMC still has the best guide scheme I’ve used. I’d love to see something similar on channels.