Getting 9.11

I also asked in the Hdhomerun forum. Why am I getting ABC . 9.11 in Orlando? It doesn't play.

Does Channels DVR have guide data for it?
Is it WFTV Channel 9?

You can check your HDHR tuner to see what frequency it was found at and convert that to the RF channel#.

If RF 35 (599 MHz) it's the Christmas, FL (Orlando) WFTV transmitter
If RF 19 (503 MHz) it's the Osteen, FL (Deltona) WFTV transmitter

Here's a Frequency in MHz to RF channel# list reference so you don't have to search the web for it

    RF 	MHz  Band
     2   57  VHF-Lo 54-88 MHz
     3   63  VHF-Lo 54-88 MHz
     4   69  VHF-Lo 54-88 MHz
     5   79  VHF-Lo 54-88 MHz
     6   85  VHF-Lo 54-88 MHz
     7  177  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
     8  183  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
     9  189  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
    10  195  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
    11  201  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
    12  207  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
    13  213  VHF-Hi 174-216 MHz
    14  473  UHF    470-608 MHz
    15  479  UHF    470-608 MHz
    16  485  UHF    470-608 MHz
    17  491  UHF    470-608 MHz
    18  497  UHF    470-608 MHz
    19  503  UHF    470-608 MHz
    20  509  UHF    470-608 MHz
    21  515  UHF    470-608 MHz
    22  521  UHF    470-608 MHz
    23  527  UHF    470-608 MHz
    24  533  UHF    470-608 MHz
    25  539  UHF    470-608 MHz
    26  545  UHF    470-608 MHz
    27  551  UHF    470-608 MHz
    28  557  UHF    470-608 MHz
    29  563  UHF    470-608 MHz
    30  569  UHF    470-608 MHz
    31  575  UHF    470-608 MHz
    32  581  UHF    470-608 MHz
    33  587  UHF    470-608 MHz
    34  593  UHF    470-608 MHz
    35  599  UHF    470-608 MHz
    36  605  UHF    470-608 MHz

I think its part of an ATSC 3 station. At least I started getting 54.11 when CW (54) moved to ATSC 3 tower. Channel is the same content as 54.1. You can disable the channel in your tuner settings.

Don't see ABC 9 on the ATSC 3.0 list here for Orlando

20 Orlando, Florida
WESH 11 06/22/2021 WKCF
• 02-1 \ 16x16 NBC WESH (WKCF 02-1)
• 18-1 \ 16x16 CW WKCF (WKCF 18-1)
• 24-1 \ 16x16 PBS WUCF (WUCF-TV 24-1)
\ 3pxx4px
WRBW 28 06/22/2021 WOFL
• 06-1 \ 16x16 CBS WKMG (WKMG-TV 06-1)
• 35-1 \ 16x16 FOX WOFL (WOFL 35-1)
• 65-1 \ 16x16 MyN WRBW (WOFL 65-1)
\ 3pxx4px

Could that be something SiliconDust added to their firmware, like adding 100 to the channel number for ATSC 3.0 channels?

I don't know what it is exactly. But I know when CW moved to new tower for ATSC 3.0, I started getting 54.11 in addition to 54.1. 54.11 is not actually ATSC 3.0, but it is some slightly different encoding and doesn't play on all of my devices. It's the same content as the .1 channel, so I just disabled it. But I thought it had something to do with the 3.0 repack.

Is it the same frequency as the ATSC 3.0 lighthouse?

Don't see anything on the SD Forum about that, so wonder if the broadcasters are changing the virtual channels numbers. I'm sure Trip Ericson at knows since he's also an FCC employee.

I just can't justify a new antenna and a SD HDHR4k for the possibility of paywalled 4k OTA sometime in the future for the same content OTA provides now.

Apparently it's out of Deltona, no guide data. Why would it show up in Channels if I didn't manually scan? My Hdhomerun shows Jacksonville guide data( doesn't come in) which Channels doesn't.

The HDHomeRun does automatic scans on a regular basis. There is no way to disable this as far as I know. All you can really do is disable weak channels that might get picked up from time to time.

@Macnbaish is spot on.
According to Silicon Dust, their tuners perform background scans using all tuners every three days +/- 12 hours.
If you disable that channel 9.11, background scans that see it again wont enable it.
The only way it would get enabled is if it's seen during a manual scan you initiate.
Silicon Dust is not yet convinced anyone needs to disable the background scanning.

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Forgot to mention.
To see the frequency for channels in your lineup browse to (for a json listing) (for a xml listing)
Of course replace with the IP address of your HDHR tuner.