Gigabit switch placement

I just got a gigabit switch. Should the set up look this way:
ISP modem - router - gigabit switch - dvr server and other connected devices

Or should it be

ISP modem - both router and gigabit switch connected directly to modem and then other things connected to the switch?

The former. Everything to/from the internet needs to go through the router.

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Does it make a difference if the modem is technically a router as well? Right now I have it on IP pass through mode for the mesh router.

Leave your modem in pass through and your router connected to the modem's LAN port. Your mess router will provide network protection and can open holes if you need them.

If your modem is the router, why have a separate router? If this is true, you have two best options:

  1. Remove your own router and let the modem/router handle things; or,
    2, put that compromised modem into bridge mode and use your own router.
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Mostly because the att device can’t cover the entire house, so I have a set of tp decos spread out throughout the house to cover the WiFi.
The att modem doesn’t have bridge mode. The jp pass through is as close as ir gets as far I know.

Out of curiosity - what’s easier to set up for remote viewing - the att modem/router or a tp link deco if set up as a router?

it makes no difference if you use Talescale

+1 for Tailscale for remote viewing.

AT&T router/modem

What AT&T router do you have?

Unfortunately the fiber AT&T router can’t be set in true bridge/ip pass through mode. So when you use a router behind the isp router you can expect to have a double NAT among other issues.

The best solution is to use the AT&T router with the switch plugged into the router. If that doesn’t provide adequate WiFi coverage, disable the built in WiFi and add Ethernet wired Ubiquity Unifi access points where you need them(plugged into the switch). Like a U7 pro, U6+, U6 long range. Start with one of these and add more if you have a dead spot. A centrally located ceiling mounted U6 LR will handle 2 levels 1250sqft each for a 2500sqft house at least, probably more.

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