Google streamer dropping frames on 3.0 channels

I have a google streamer with channels server on dedicated windows pc with lots of resources.

When I play ATSC 3.0 channels on the streamer, it drops about 10 output frames per second in the stats and video looks choppy.

If I use my built-in Sony Bravia Android TV channels app it drops no frames.

If I use the streamer app, But turn Off the audio stream, it drops no frames.

If I use the streamer HD home run app, it drops no frames.

I have tried turning off surround sound in the settings, As well as switching Decoding from hardware ( drops 10 frames /sec) to software/hybrid ( drops 30 fps). Audio driver says “ default”

My network speed to the server is 600 Mbit and 4ms latency.

I prefer using the streamer to using my built-in Sony android TV app Because the built-in TV apps just generally are much slower.

Anyone with any suggestions?

Don't use ATSC 3.0 channels or get a Shield Pro, Amazon Cube, or AppleTV.

I am in the same boat as you, my Sony Google TV plays ATSC 3.0 without any frame drops, but my prefered device (FireTV Max) drops too many frames. I just don't use ATSC 3.0 channels for now. I don't believe Channels DVR has been optimized for ATSC 3.0 for Android/Amazon devices. Some of the more powerful devices work fine. The developers have put ATSC 3.0 support on the back burner until the DRM situation is firmed up.

Watching Ravens Bills on ATSC 3.0 on my FireTV Cube video and sound is fantastic... using the HDHR APP. HDHR does Digital Passthrough of AC4 on newer Fire Devices.

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