Google TV Streamer with Channels

Hi - new to channels and the community. Probably a dumb question, but want to make sure before I make the plunge to buy a Google TV streamer. The question is whether the Channels is available on this device?

Maybe my hesitation is not being able to positively confirm the operating system of the Google TV streamer - is it Android TV?

I'm a Roku person for the past 8 or so years, so before I start down this journey, I want to make sure I'm on the right path(I just bought a couple new Roku Ultra's in the past couple years). Plan to use a HD Homerun DVR with this (have had a Tablo for 8 years as well). After that just using basic streaming apps, Hulu, PBS, Pluto, Tubi, Roku channel and maybe Sling.

Also would be interested feedback on the device from others that are using the Google TV streamer with the HD Homerun or the above apps.

Thanks in advance!

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It’s available for Chromecast with Google TV, so it should be available for the Google TV Streamer. And since the Streamer is more powerful, you’ll likely get better performance than you would with the Chromecast.

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Welcome to Channels and the community!
You will like like it here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes and yes. :slightly_smiling_face:

There are a couple of other threads on this topic.

See this one, for example:

Hopefully, that will help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you ask the developers, the preferred streamer is the latest Apple TV 4K. It gets all the channels app best features and new features long before any android devices.

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100% agree. Im an android guy. I once said i will never have an apple device in my house. Now i have 4 appletvs... hands down the best IMHO

Thanks everyone for the super quick replies and help!

I'm also someone that has been known to say "never apple", so that's helpful to know..... Decisions, decisions, and more to research now.... But at least I'm armed with information!

Next step is to get the HD home run installed and up and running.

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In that case I’m about to post in for sale section a couple of Nvidia shield TVs you might be interested in.

Using it over the last few days. I'm having a problem where, at first use, when I try to play a live it recorded program I get a frozen screen with the spinny arrow. Pushing left or right on the top control gets things moving. No other clues. I have installed the update.

Assuming you mean trying to play an in progress recording?
Try playing it in the DVR web player in a browser and see if it works.
Might not work if you use a Windows machine and browser though.
Probably best to use Safari on an Apple device.

Me too. Which version did you install, and on what?

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Google just released an update for the streamer. Everything works fine on my tablet or phone. The problem is only on the streamer.

I can only get Channels to reliably work on the new Google Streamer if I switch the Video Decoder to "Software". When Hardware or Hybrid is selected, the selected channels often do not start playing. I can go to the server and see in Status that the channel is tuned, but nothing plays. I'll use Software for now and hope a fix is coming eventually.

I went from a Chromecast 4K to a TV Streamer but continue to have issues with playback (see also my thread here: Choppy video only on Chromecast 4K with Channels app). It seems others have similar issues but yet again others do not. I'm not sure where the issue lies but it's frustrating nonetheless.

If you want to go the Android/Google TV route, it appears to be best to look into the Nvidia Shield instead. Or, like others have suggested, an Apple TV device as it seems to work flawlessly on that device. Personally, I'm not going to do either simply because I feel I spent too much already at this point. Maybe at some later time, but right now I'm likely going with the HDHR app instead, which does run smoothly on the TV Streamer.

Yeah...looks like this device seems to be a flop

I have submitted logs three times today. The Android app needs some love for Google TV Streamer. I use Charter TVE and have watched recordings and TV with no issues on a LG C3 OLED. The exception to that is live sports....The device hard restarted 3 times in less than an hour watching a CBS NFL game through only happens during live sports playback. Devs...PLEASE fix this...the device is cheap and powerful..

Did you also send an email to support telling them that you submitted logs?

thank you for the reminder, just did that

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