Guide and Searching

I often find the need to scroll through the guide on the Android Client app, and simultaneously search for titles to see if I already have a recording of a specific program. I am currently using beta 6.12.1009.

In the past, clicking away from the guide to a search page, and then back to the guide, I would come directly back to the point in time within the guide where I had departed to the search page.

A few beta versions ago, I noticed that returning to the guide page from a search starts me all the way back to the present time. So, if I have already scrolled several hours, or even days into the future, I now must scroll through the entire time period again to reach the point at which I departed the guide for the search. My scrolling finger is getting worn out... :point_down:

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<attempt to be funny>Use another finger now?</attempt to be funny>

Seriously, though, there seems to be issues related to the guide lately. I remember seeing a thread related to guide issues and for Android too.

Hopefully, the devs will see this message and will look into it.

Let me see what I can do about that. We started unloading the guide because the way we were keeping it in memory was incorrect and resulted in memory leaks, but we can still unload it while maintaining scroll position


That would be great. Thanks! Please let me know if I can help test anything for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi! Just checking in to see if you are able to address this issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

I'll have a look this week

This should be fixed for Android TV in the latest beta v2024.07.30.1024, I'm still looking at it for touch devices

This looks to be working on my Chromebook touchscreen device. Thank you, Ani! :slightly_smiling_face: