Guide Data is Wrong for Xfinity (zip 94404)

Hi! I'm a new Channels user (in my trial period) and have an issue with the guide data, specifically for at least some HD channels (e.g. Hallmark) for zip code 94404 (Foster City, though, not San Mateo). I'm an Xfinity customer and am using an HDHomeRun PRIME with a Motorola M-card (not that it matters). I noticed today that the guide data is incorrect -- it's showing 3 hours ahead and it's not related to time settings on my server or client. In fact, going to zap2it, I see the same incorrect listings. I sent them a message but maybe Channels can put more pressure on them to fix the issue. I also have a few TiVos but the guides on the TiVos are correct so they must be using some other guide data source here. I can supply screenshots of the tivo and of the channels (and Plex!) guides showing the incorrect data. Note that not all guide data is wrong (the standard def Hallmark channel that is explicitly the "Pacific" channel is correct).

Is it wrong in the official HDHomeRun app? You can email

You can also just fix it yourself on your dvr under manage lineup

NO -- The guide data is CORRECT in the HDHomeRun app and accurately shows what is currently airing (Monk, on channel 794, right now (12:33PM pacific on 5/1/2023)). HDHomeRun shows the channel name as "HMMHDP", as does the Channels guide, but the Channels guide data is not correct.

Note that zap2it's guide data shows a channel name of "HALLHD", note the missing "P" -- so this is apparently using the eastern TZ version of this channel in the lineup!

Can I add a guide time offset somewhere in settings on a per-channel basis to correct for this?

You can either hold SHIFT and click Sync Station Mapping

Or click the pencil next to channel, select All under the gear, and type the correct callsign to find the guide data which matches

Does Channels use zap2it for guide data? If so, it looks like their data is using the wrong callsign for this channel (and others). As far as the call sign in the channels guide lineup, it is the correct callsign -- HALLHDP -- but the data is just incorrect.

Where would I perform that "sync station mapping" operation? I'm looking in the server web interface and do not see that -- What am I missing? Thanks! (Not that I think this will fix anything as the channel name is already correct)

In the gear icon next to HDHR under Sources


Thanks -- as I feared though, the guide data is still incorrect. has correct listings (selecting either Comcast San Mateo or Comcast Foster City as the provider for zip 94404).

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Did you hold shift on the keyboard? That will force sync to match the data in the SiliconDust app

Yes, I held shift, though since both the HDHomeRun and Channels already had the correct callsign for this channel (HALLHDP), I wouldn't have expected anything to change.

Screenshot what's shown for that station in the Manage Lineup menu

This is the lineup screenshot:

This is the Channels guide for right now:

This is the TVguide guide data for right now:

Okay it shows P versions on the right side for both, so the sync worked.

You just need to refresh the guide data now under Guide Data > Maintenance

I see Guide Data >> Redownload Guide, but nothing named "Maintenance", so I've initiated a redownload.

EDIT: That looks like it fixed it -- thanks so much! (Why was this required? The HDHomeRun already had that channel as HALLHDP, so why wasn't the initial guide download properly synched?)

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