Guide Data Missing - WW00-LD, Movies!, NewsNet


Three newer channels in the Boston market have been picked up with my HD Homerun. They're 17.1 WWOO-LD, 17.2 Movies! and 17.3 NewsNet. These three channels have never had guide information. Is there anyway to fix this?


Is there guide in the official HDHR app?

There is. All three channels are fully populated in the HDHR app.

Click gear icon next to HDHR on dvr web UI, select Sync Mapping

That worked! Side question. I have 3-4 channels that I've "hidden" under manage lineup, but they still show up in the guide as blank. Any idea why they continue to show up even after I've hidden them?

Redownload guide should fix it.

Not working. I have the channels X'd out in the HDHR Main Menu. I have them Hidden under Manage Lineup in Channels. I can't get rid of these channels from the Guide even after a Redownload Guide attempt. Any ideas?

Which guide where?

The Channels DVR Guide is showing me four channels that I don't want. I've X'd them out within the HD HomeRun main menu. Then I've hid them within Channels DVR within the Manage Lineup. They still show up as channels in the Channels DVR Guide, but not as channels with the HD Homerun Android app. Weird.

Are you talking about the guide on the DVR web UI, or on an android device, or apple device?

The Guide on my Pixel 3XL Android device.

Interesting those channels don't show on the Web UI....

Did a clear CACHE and STORAGE on my phone. I'm good....

Sorry to bother you. Great product and quick support!

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