Guide data overflowing, Can I easily hide most, or preferably, all channels in a source?

Several of the free sources we can add have hundreds of channels each. It seems that adding so many channels generates a tremendous amount of guide data. The server seems to handle it fine. Evidently, the clients can be overwhelmed with too much guide data.

The problem I am faced with is that, when scrolling the guide too far ahead in time on a client, I eventually hit a memory overflow error resulting in a crash. Depending on the number of sources and channels I have added, this can be a period as short as 24-48 hours.

I am told that hiding channels through the "Manage Lineup" interface will keep them out of the guide data. I'm not looking forward to clicking what may be hundreds of :no_entry_sign:'s to wean down to the very few channels I care about. Is there a way to easily hide all the channels in a lineup, and then, only un-hide the very few I really want?

Or, can someone please put together a script to hide all channels on a single, or even multiple sources?

Perhaps, if it's a useful thing for many of us, maybe this could be an added feature to Olivetin? @bnhf ?

This will do what you're looking for

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. That is Exactly what I needed! Initially, I was intimidated by a lot of things I had never heard of...Bookmarklet? gist? Huh? :exploding_head:

However, even though I have no idea what I'm doing, I managed to muddle through it and get the Bookmarklet working. I guess that this old dog can still learn a trick or two. :dog: