Guide drm channels

how to remove drm channels from guide

Which device are you using Channels on?

You can open and hide the drm channels under Channel Lineup by clicking heart icon twice

andeoid Mecool m8s pro l. I don`t want to block out drm channels on my hdhomerun, because i can play drm channel on computer, mecool, roku, and other devices

Is there a way to disable just in the Channels Guide .... I watch DRM on my HDHomeRun app.

If you disable the DRM channels on the client, then they won't show up on the client's guide, and they'll still show up in SD's software. The enabled/favorite setting in the client is separate from the DVR, and is not shared among clients.

No they do not if I disable them on my Android Client it disables them on the web page. Which is what the HDHomeRun/Emby app gets its's channels from.

I believe Channels DISABLE feature will update the HDHomerun itself if you do it from certain clients like the Web UI and I maybe others as you mention. I think the Apple TV Client does not do that. I think a good feature for Channels would be to say the is a Client Only change instead of a HDHomerun change. For me I did not like the idea of it only changing in 1 of my 8 Apple TV's so I change them on the HDHomerun when I was using those. I am now on the TVE Train.

We're working on a fix for this issue on Android

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