Guide info wrong on virtual channels

What if you go into Manage Sources again and disable all the sources except the Virtual one, then restart the app (click tv/home twice and swipe up)

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Nothing changes. In fact I went to my android client and there were issues there as well.

I've deleted all other sources except Virtual Channels. Its working a little bit better but still off on several channels

What if you select on the web UI, Guide Maintenance > Delete & Recreate

I was thinking about that but didn't want to destroy something lol. I will try that

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That seems to have worked! So whenever this happens again should I just do that? Im going to go ahead and add my other sources back and hopefully nothing bugs out

Thanks for your help!

We will try to track down the bug. Let us know if ot happens again


Will do!

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I have the same issue. My wife complains about this a lot. I will try the "recreate" solution suggested earlier, but just wanted you to know that this isn't something local to the OP's setup. I'm running Windows 10 for the DVR and tvOS 16.1 on the Apple TV. The attached pics show what the guide shows (Channel 5) to what is actually playing when you select the channel.

Just to let you know. It still virtually happens every day. But the good thing is can delete and recreate guide database

I have encountered the same issue for months at this point. I uploaded diagnostics if it helps to find a solution.

I'm looking into this again.

Can you confirm for me if you force stop and restart the app, the guide data is still messed up?

If you look on the DVR web UI guide, is the data messed up there as well?

Some issues have been fixed in DVR prerelease.

Basically, the only way I can get it to stop is by deleting and re-creating the guide database. But I have to do it every day.

It should be fixed now. Thanks for the details and diagnostics.

Okay great! I’ll take a look when I get home for work. Thanks!

It still seems to be doing the same thing. I’ve updated the server. Do I need to update all the clients for it to work?

You need to update server to 2023.04.06.2201

Okay I’ll try that