For the past few months now the guide on my Shield is usually out of date. We have it set to view a particular channel when Channels starts up, but when I exit from that channel the guide could be as much as a day old (note the time top right vs guide).
About a minute later it updates one channel but not the rest. This can go on for quite a while. Note this has been seven minutes with only the one channel updated.
Speed test doesn't show network problems. Reboot doesn't help.
The log shows a lot of successful guide fetches at 9:01am (while a channel was being played). Between 9:01 and these screenshots the only thing in the log is some default routes found, nothing at the time of these screenshots. FYI I uploaded a diagnostics accidentally while trying to find the logs.
The workaround so far to get the log to update in a reasonable time has been to go to On Now then back to Guide. This shouldn't be necessary.
Does anyone else experience this? Is there a fix?