Guide not working on Apple Tv or iOS. Some channels have guid into and others are blank

I have tried scanning for new channels multiple times. Deleted the channels app and made sure the date and time are correct on Apple Tv. I can watch the channels that do not show guide data but I am unable to record. If I use HDHomeRun app to view the guide, all the information is displayed. Just not showing up in any of the Channels apps.


Open the DVR web ui and click the pencil under your hdhomerun to make sure all the channels are mapped to guide data correctly.

Gonna sound like a total noob but how do I open the DVR web ui? I looked through the forums and could not find out how. I did type in the ip address from the channels app for remotely logging in to DVR but it did not take me anywhere after it said I had logged in successfully.

Open the Channels DVR on your Synology

ok…so I opened the Synology and when I go to the Channels DVR Beta it does not give me much information other than “DVR backend for Channels app on iOS and TVOS.”

Ahhh…I clicked the url link and it took me there.

It only shows two channels.

When I click on the guide tab of the Channels DVR it shows only the two channels that are showing up in the guide. when I click the pencil next the HDHomerun all of the channels are listed with hearts clicked on favorites but no names are associated with the channels just the call letters. They are there just not showing up in the guide. Thanks. I tool a screen shot of it if I can load it for you to see I will try.

I’m having the same kind of problem. Guide data started disappearing earlier today. Now it’s completely gone. It’s not recording new shows. Logged into Channels DVR on my NAS (WD MyCloud) and it says “Guide data is still downloading. Check back in a few minutes.”

What kind of hdhomerun? Is it connected to antenna or something else?

You should be able to correct the guide mappings for each channel on that screen. Or on the previous screen you can click the trash icon and try another

Email the screenshot to

I have a HDHomeRun Quatro, connected to an outdoor antenna. Guide mappings appear to be OK in the NAS DVR app as does the zipcode shown (DVR: US-OTA94087). I can tune to my OTA stations from the Channels app on AppleTV and they show up on the TV screen. There’s just no guide data specific to the programs available, just generic network names for each channel (ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.).

I tried rebooting the WD NAS, but still get the “Guide data is still downloading. Check back in a few minutes.” message on both the Guide and OnNow tabs.

Channels DVR has been working fine for several months since I got it. The guide data started disappearing from about 3PM today (PDT).

HomeRun Duo and it is connected to a antenna. I emailed a screenshot to support.

This is exactly what is happening with my Guide as well.

Does the Log tab show any errors? Kick off a new guide download via the circle refresh icon under your HDHR on the web ui

No errors today both before and after the reboot.

Clicked the refresh icon and now the Activity indicator is showing that guide data is being downloaded. The Guide and OnNow tase are starting to show individual shows.


It appears refreshing the guide has fixed my issue.

I've had the same problem. I tried everything. Forgetting the HD HomeRun. rebuilding the guide. Still no shows. Apple TV 4K. latest Channels app available.

Check which dvr the Apple TV is connected to on the Settings tab. Use that IP to access and make sure guide data is assigned to the tuner.