everything works fine on Android and Fire Devices but on browsers I get errors on Pluto.
TVE works for me ... I am creating Separate tuners for TVE, Pluto Etc ... AS I believe Plex has a 480 Channels limit according to threadfin and XTEVE.
I totally missed the part that it needed to be in the codecs folder for plex lol cd in the folder in my unraid terminal and run the command now everything works lovely.
Still having that issue of the photo posted above, but everything else works.
Can try this setting on your dvr:
M3U Channel IDs
Use channel IDs instead of numbers in M3U playlists and XMLTV listings
Sadly same issue, I even removed the tuner and re added it with all the same issue.
Is the XMLTV url the same as "Copy EPG URL" in the "Manage" dropdown next to a source in the Source menu?
EDIT: And any layman's instructions on a Mac? When I run the wget command suggested by @Fofer in Terminal, I get a "command not found" response. And when I try to run the terminal commands to download the codecs, I get a "no such file or directory."
I wonder if my issues are because I previously set up my HD Homerun in Plex? I deleted it, but my menu choices were different than in the initial instructions (ultimately I got to the same type of input screens, but the choices to get there were different). And in the end, it just re-offered my HD Homerun channels to me when I did this.
Very nice!
I was having issues adding in several sources individually. One or two would work but it would bomb out on the third and TVE wouldn't work. I deleted everything from Plex and then added all of the CDVR sources and its working great now. With a single source its letting me have 700 channels in Plex. As an FYI, I am running Channels DVR and Plex server on Windows 10.
On macos you need to install homebrew package manager to then install linux commands like wget. Apple does not include all the nix based commands natively.
Just put the url in Safari’s address bar, hold option and hit enter. It will download any content at any url this way.
Haven’t messed around with Plex for years before setting this up. Their UI is pretty, but man it’s slow and choppy. Makes me appreciate Channels even more.
Does this new tuner have a max number of “tuners” you could use at once? It seems so.
Yes, 8
Thanks for this great new enhancement. It worked very easily loading the channels and guide into Plex. Is it possible for the virtual channels I've created to load as well? Channels DVR will continue to be our go to for DVR recording. Your team is the best.
Very cool. Any plans to take this much further?
Would love to be able to use channels transcoder + your HDHR emulation to feed to plex rather than threadfin + ffmpeg commands.
Would be cool to be able to set a few options/parameters per m3u such as deinterlacer, bitrate, buffer, video/audio codecs and maybe even container?
Jellyfin already supports M3U and XMLTV input same as EMBY.
I currently have my TVE and Pluto channels set up in Plex using Edwin Perez's instructions on xTeVE (just got it working yesterday...Thanks Edwin).
I saw this post and thought maybe I could eliminate the complexity of several different instances of xTeVE and just set up the Channels DVR tuners directly in Plex as per the instructions above.
When I try to add the tuners I get the message "There was a problem adding the device:"
I changed the IP from the local host to the actual IP for the Channels DVR and also tried adding ?format=ts to the end of the hyperlink, all with the same error. Anything else I am missing?

Update to prerelease
While macOS does not ship with wget
, most Linux distros do not either. However, you will find (the much more capable) curl
in /usr/bin
, along with all of the expected BSD userland programs.
Unfortunately that's very doubtful, that feature is exclusive to Channels clients and doesn't work in the web player either.
And just 4 days ago:
Thanks! I will do that.