Hallmark and Food Network in Xfinity

Just started today and sooo disappointed I can't get Hallmark or Food Network on Xfinity- a real deal breaker - I updated the server. Any other ideas?

Are they part of your Cable package ? I have XFINITY and get both.

Yes it shows the channels but says unauthorized..

I read you may need to log in with ID and not email so trying that

Best to create a Viewer only ACCT in your XFINITY ACCT.

Don't know what that is but i'll look it up as I still don't get Hallmark but do get Detroit news...


Also, try rescanning just the individual channels that didn't authorize

Thanks - actually signed on as primary user and got the channels. Doesn't seem.to get main networks like nbc and fox prometime. Any way to get those?

You have to enable the Experimental Local Networks integration

NBC and PBS are no longer supported. FOX is only available in a couple areas where the station is Fox owned and operated.