Hallmark - black I frames in movie scenes after commercial breaks

I noticed recently when editing recorded movies from Hallmark to remove commercials that there is one black I frame about 3.5 seconds after the movie resumes.
When you play the movie, you notice like a very quick flash in the middle of the scene.

Not a problem thanks to VideReDo, I am able to remove them.

Has anybody else noticed this?

Could this have a specific purpose? I wouldn't think so.

Over TVE presumably?


Are you thinking it might be related to the new commercial detection algorithm?
I didn't even think of it, I thought it was just broadcast this way from Hallmark. That's why I put this thread in the general section.

Let me know if you want me to send the log details.

I don't know whether this is something that is worth pursuing or not but here is another oddity with a Hallmark movie recorded last night on channel 6090.

Before the movie started, they showed the trailer for it and here is the transition from trailer to the movie:


Notice frame 3:18.14, which is the last frame of the trailer. It's not visible in the screenshot but this is an IDR frame.

Then the movie starts and look what we have here right in the middle of the beginning scene:


Frame 3:28.14, which is an I frame, looks a lot like frame 3:18.14, even though it appears to be a tiny bit darker.
Exactly 10 seconds later.

Anyway, for me, this is just small annoyance and I can live with it.
I figured I would mention it, just in case there is something that might be caused by Channels.

Maybe if somebody has a recording from another source, we could check if this is caused by Hallmark.

I noticed recently that they don't do it anymore. I don't know exactly when that changed but looks fine now, no more black frames.

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