Have to replace a SSD on my PC

just got everything back, had to re-download Channels DVR, and everything seems to be working except my remote access (which I had before and nothing changed from my router/modem...etc.)

I keep getting this message when i run the diagnostics:
Connected to 98c835041f53.u.channelsdvr.net but SSL certificate is invalid.

i had it all working perfect before, and I have followed the steps to re-do port forwarding in case my IP address has changed... any help out there?

I did get tailscale to work, but that isn't as iPhone friendly as the app...

i was having uissues with 8089 as my port number, once i changed it to 8090 everything was great
there seems to be confusion on the server and in the channels site as to wjat numbers to use

Channels DVR uses port 8089 unless you change that.
When you port forward, you can tell your router to use any port on the WAN (Internet) side and forward it to Channels DVR on the LAN (your network) side at port 8089.

If you change the WAN (Internet) port your router port forwards, you have to let the devs know so they can update your account at their end.

Try turning off remote access wait a few minutes and turn it back on.

Did that… over the course of hours, and it never worked

In a nutshell, using 8090 worked and using 8089 did not

Try this again now

Everything works as intended
I’m just asking the community why it took me 90 minutes and to figure out why the number was 8090 and not 8089

Your router still has 8089 stuck on the old setup so it picked 8090

Got it
Thank u

i have the port forward at 8089 now, everything works

There was nothing I could see that showed me that anything was stuck on my previous set up

Reboot router

I did that earlier in the afternoon with no success, but I am 100% set now and I appreciate everybody chiming in to help