Having problems playing long file

We recorded the US Open and padded the time, so the file runs about 10hrs long.
In Channels, we get to the 6h37m mark and it just freezes/stops (both on the Web view and on Apple TV)
I can still play the file in VLC past this mark, so there it definitely recorded everything.
I've tried running Regenerate Video Index and Fix Video Timestamps, but it still freezes at the same mark.
Any idea how get Channels to finish playing the file.

Please go to Settings -> Support -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from your device and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

OK, just now submitted

So, any update?

Does it work in Channels app in home streaming mode?

I finally had a chance to play it locally on my Apple TV Client - it did not freeze.

Still can’t play it remotely

Such recordings are only playable at home at the moment.

Well, this is a good case-scenario to be able to make a manual recording.
The 2022 Open Champion was slated for 10 hours, I can play up to the 6hr mark and ran into the same situation where the file just stops playing. If I could have made a manual recording of the second half of the tournament, that would save me from this problem. Same with tomorrow mornings schedule.

If you can use a shell script...
I modified this for The Open Final tomorrow to record from my NBC from 4am - 11am.
I use the script to create manual 60 minute back-back recordings on a channel.
Using 10 second pre and post padding, they overlap by 20 seconds.
As is, this will create 7 one hour recordings.
Just change the _CH=channel number and the IP address and port in the curl command.

# Create _HOURNUMBER back-back 60 minute manual recordings with 10 second pre/post padding
_TITLE="2022 Open Championship"
_EVENTTITLE="Final Round"
_DESC="A worthy champion is crowned during the final round of the 150th British Open in St. Andrews."
_CATEGORIES='"Sports","Sports event"'

for _HOURNUMBER in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
scheduled_job() {
cat << EOF
   "Name": "${_TITLE}",
   "Time": ${_START},
   "Duration": ${_DUR},
   "Channels": ["${_CH}"],
   "Airing": {
      "Source": "manual",
      "Channel": "${_CH}",
      "Time": ${_START},
      "Duration": ${_DUR},
      "Title": "${_TITLE}",
      "EpisodeTitle": "${_EPISODETITLE}",
      "EventTitle": "${_EVENTTITLE}",
      "Summary": "${_DESC}",
      "Image": "${_IMAGE}",
      "Categories": [${_CATEGORIES}],
      "Tags": [${_TAGS}],
      "SeriesID": "${_SERIESID}"
curl -XPOST --data-binary "$(scheduled_job)"
# increment _START value by an hour
_START=$(($_START + 3600))


I have no idea how any of that works :confused:

I'm not a golfer but thanks @chDVRuser for this script. I'm stealing it to use as a template for other manual recordings I might want to make.

Enjoy. I also use it to record a channel the same time every day for a week at a time by incrementing _START by a day.

It breaks up the program into separate back-back one hour recordings.

Using this How to create a Manual Time/Channel based recording job